Camp Uncle

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It wasn't long after the Starsending that I saw the boys in the Yard where Uncle Ashton had his games cleaning somethings up. When I asked him Uncle Ashton said that they had made a mess so they had to clean it. Papa said They should have asked Permission before doing whatever they did but it was always Trey and Deuce who were cleaning. I never saw Idia being a helperer.

Papa said that now they would have to move the camp. But when I asked Papa gave me this small smile and put a finger to his lips and said it was a surprise. I really liked surprises so I didn't ask again. I giggled and ran to my room to see if Grim wanted to play.

About 2 weeks after the Star sending and I know cause Grampa Trein was teaching me Days of the weeks. I knew Mondays and Tuesdays but he was helping me count them and he said when I got to Sunday which was the Seventh day that it was then One week!! And it was the Second Sunday after words so that means it was Two weeks! That was when Papa walked me up to Dire's Office room. He said Dire had a question for me. I trusted Papa so I walked upstairs with him.

 When we got there though Uncle Ashton was also there. I ran over to him and he picked me up laughing as he let me sit on his arms. He said that it was a great workout and kept flexing making me jump on his arm. He was silly like that. 

"Now Ashton, Set them down this instant! This is a serious conversation" Papa said crossing his arms. But he has a smile on his face like he didn't actually mean it. Uncle Ashton laughed and did a fake pout at Papa.

"Aww I just wanted to play with the Tike. I see they are growing Splendidly! Keeping on that Protein Diet Aye Divus?" He smirked. Papa just waved him off turning up his nose. I think Even though Papa pretended he didn't like it he actually did cause I saw the Picture of all of us at home he took after Break and saw him Smiling at it sometimes.

"Well now that we have gone past greetings how about you ask Puppy what you wanted to ask" Papa said crossing his arms. I tilted my head at Uncle Ashton as he grinned big and pulled my from ontop of his arm to his hands.

'Kiddo I have great news!! How would you and your Feline companion like to Join me for Camp Vargas?!" I tilted my head confused. What was a camp? Did he mean Camping? Alex used to take me Camping lots and lots. He used to say it was to help my Survival Skills! 

"Like Camping?" I asked. Uncle Ashton laughed loudly and nodded with his big smile.

'Right you are Kiddo!! Camping. But it's more then Just camping! At Camp Vargas we will be whipping the Students into shape with Challenges! I was hopping you wouldn't mind helping me with Keeping Track of all the Students coming?" I smiled.

"Can I make a Camp Fire to?? And have a tent?" Papa put a hand to his mouth where I think I saw a smile showing. I wonder why he was hidding it. Uncle laughed though and nodded grinning.

'Sure then! But your Papa will ki- er Not be happy if I let ya Make a fire... How about you help me make one and we can both keep an eye on it together?" I smiled and nodded.

'YA! Papa can I?" I asked. Papa laughed and nodded.

'Yes, I think you will enjoy it quite a bit. All the Sports clubs will be participating this year so I believe there will be plenty of Eyes to keep you safe. Now we must get you ready ofcourse. There is ofcourse the tent and Cantines to worry about as well as your Attire. Oh and you will need Hiking boots as well. Ashton are you sure they will be ok in a Tent? Perhaps staying at that Cottage would be better" Uncle waved Papa off and set me down ruffling my hair making Papa pout at him.

"Divus come now, Yuu is going to have to learn at some point Besides I will be with then the Whole time" Papa put a hand to his chin and then took a breath and let it out.

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