Camp day 2

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The next morning I woke up to the Ghosties already yelling at Ace. Ace had done lots of squats yesterday but now he had to keep going. He only got a little break every half hour to get a drink and go potty. I think Ace hated it cause last night when I had to watch him he begged me to let him stop for a bit. But Uncle said I wasn't allowed to let him have a break so I told him.

"NO! Keep Squatting!" With my hands on my hips! But this morning It was the Mine Ghostie's turn. This one's name was Jeffy! He kept Ace moving. Uncle Ashton woke me up later then everyone else I guess cause After getting me up he made us Fish Breakfast and then walked us to where all the Tents were. Everyone was already up and moving around with their Work.

Uncle Ashton said that he would head to the river to catch Fish and check on some of the Campers and that I could stay with Some of the other peoples that were watching their Fires. I guess some of the wood Faeries didn't like the fires so they kept trying to put them out. 

But I got bored really fast so I ran over to a group I saw walking in the forest. It turned out it was Ruggie and Epel! They were talking to a group of people.

"Hey, Guys, How's it going over here?' Ruggie asked some Savanaclaw students.

"Heya, Ruggie! We just got out laternblossom." They said. 

"Nice! Now all we gotta do is make the potions. We're doing way better then expected." Ruggie grinned at them. High fiving a few.

"For sure. We couldn't have done it without leona's help... hm? He was JUST behind me, where'd he go?" The Camper asked looking behind him confused. I tilted my head and then backed away slowly. Oh no. I couldn't keep the smile away so I had to go. I told Uncle Ashton over fish last night about Leona's napping and he said that counted so I think Leona was gonna get tooked now.

Instead I walked away and to the mines. I wanted to see who was there. If  there were lots of people it wouldn't be so scary this time. Atleast I hopped it wouldn't. From where I was walking though I could hear Ruggie calling for Leona. Asking where he was. I hope they wouldn't be mad at me for leaving.

I walked up to the Mine but I saw Jack and Deuce inside alone with a few others. Walking in I ran and hugged Jack's leg. He looked down and gave my head a small pet.

"hey kiddo, Hows the head?" I smiled up at him.

'I'm ok! I got a dragon Bandaid see?" I said pointing. Deuce snorted and took a look.

"Very cool, What you doing in the mine?" He asked. I pouted.

"I got bored at the camp... Can I stay with you and look for pretty rocks?" I asked. Deuce looked at Jack who shrugged.

'I don't see why not. Why don't you take a look around and see what you can find? If you find a shining one then grab it and bring it over?" He asked. I nodded with a serious face.

"Oh Kay!" snorting he turned back with Deuce and started looking around. I

 looked around and I did find some pretty ones. Taking them I put them in my Pockets. I would ask the Ghosties if I could keep them later. For now they were just pretty and I hopped I could take one home to Papa and the Ramshackle Ghosties. 

After a bit though I started to see Deuce getting more and more upset. Jack seemed to be scratching his head more to. Walking over I heard them talking about not being able to find other Gems. Grim had run off so he couldn't help but I thought back and wondered if the stones might be in the back more. Like before when we had to get them.

"Deuce" I said pulling his leg. He looked down at me confused.

"What's up Yuu?" He asked kneeling down.

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