NOT Merry UnBirthday Party

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I dreamed about the blond girl again. This time a queen like the one in front of the school came and yelled at some cards that helped her paint roses. Then she yelled about taking there head off. I woke up shaking. Deuce was there like he was gonna wake me up.

"Yuu, wake're already up. You ok?" I shook my head sniffing.

"Hey it's ok it was only a dream. Come in let's get up ya? The unbirthday party is today. Can't be late or well... You know" I gulped and nodded. He lifted me up helping me to get dressed. I guess Lee set out some clothes for me they were some overalls and a shirt.

After deuce got me ready he let me walk downstairs where Ace and Grim were talking to Cater. He was talking about how he came to make sure we weren't late.

"Oh good the munchkin is all up and ready we'll come on let's get a move on" he laughed. We all followed as he walked out. It wasn't far till we got to the mirror room and walks through. There another cater was waiting.

"Bout time your got back! I need a break" the second cater said signing. Our cater laughed and made his fingers into guns shooting at the second cater

"Still looking good as always though" he said deuce took. A big intake as ace yelled.

"TWINS!!" The 2 caters laughed then shook there head. Our cater motioned to the two of them.

"Nope don't have siblings, but I do have my unique magic "split card!" It lets me make magic copies of myself" he said grinning. I felt my eyes go wide.

"This must be how cater kept after us after we tried to fight him" deuce muttered I looked at him tilting my head

"Oh um nothing Yuu just a friendly fight" he laughed. Just then another cater showed up!

"Welcome home my darlings!" He yelled then another showed up this one picked me up spinning my around.

"Yuu! You came!" I yelped and wiggled. Deuce had to get me back and glared at the fourth cater

"You're late! I was worried sick" the second cater said pouting.

"Just how many of there are you!" Ace gasped looking at them all.

"Lol J.K. my dude I'm actually the real cater, making these copies is super exhausting. So I can't maintain them so long. Anyway if we're late heads will roll and sense we're several people short we need your help. But when this is over I promise I'll take you straight to Riddle" the second or I guess the real cater said with a grin. I pouted at him.

"What, more roses?" Grim groaned

"Here we go again" ace groans as well. I looked between them. Cater snorts and kneels down handing me. Paint brush. Blinked I jumped excited. I get to paint to?!

"Let's get the lead out peeps, we need to get started!" He said. The other caters start working on painting. Ace shakes his head leading me to a bush and showing me how to paint them it was alota fun. I even got paint of my face. Ace snickered and made it a heart on my cheek

"Ace ace! Now we match" I giggled he nodded and gave me a little smile

"Yeah, whatever ya brat let's just paint" he said but I saw a smile on his face as he worked. I got to paint 5 whole roses!! When I heard deuce say they were done.

"Well, this is going better than before" he said signing and coming over to white the paint from my face. Snorting when he saw I had a heart in me.

"Looking good, oh! it's almost time. Ok all you sexy copies, that's a wrap!" The cater who came to get us yelled.

"Aye, aye, cay-cay" they all yelled before poping away. Leaving only our cater. He stretched before walking us to the back of the dorm. Inside was so pretty but he said the party was outside. I could hear someone yelling out there.

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