Spell drive tournament

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Papa, Jack, Grim and I were walking home. Cater was nice enough to Get Jack's clothes for him as we walked I flinched a little. Drip drip drip. I Covered my ears again. Papa looked at me and picked me up.

"Ignore it Puppy it will go away" I nodded and kept them covered. Riddle and Jack talked to papa and told him about what happened. They also told him the plan. It was a good plan! But cause Jack was helping we had to keep him safe. So I said we could ask if Jack can sleep over at our house. Papa agreed. 

"Mr. Howl once you get to our home upstairs Yuu will show you which room you may stay in. You will do homework, Have dinner then we have free time understood?" Jack Gulped and nodded.

"Yes sir!" Papa nodded. I looked up at him and sighed.

"It gone puppy?" He whispered. I nodded. 

"is there anything you would like to have tonight Mr. Howl?" Jack blinked and looked at Papa.

"WHAA!? why does he get to pick?!" Grim glared. Papa took out a squirt bottle and squirted Grim.

"Down kitty!" Grim yelped and hid behind jack.

"Mr. Howl is a guest he is allowed to chose tonight" Grim pouted and jack's ears twitched.

"Guess Pear Compote" Papa nodded.

"We may have that for desert, Dinner though is still on the table" Jack signed.

"stew pot?" Papa nodded with a smile.

"Good boy! Stew Pot tonight and Pear Compote for Desert it is" I bounced in Papa's arms then blinked.

"What's Compote?" Jack rubbed the back of his head.

"it's Fruit cut into pieces and boiled in Sugar water puppy. you will like it" I made an oh face. Papa was so smart.  That night I learned Jack was super fun! He showed me how to remember stuff in my work book and then after we played cards! After a long while Papa came and said I had to get ready for bed. I pouted and hugged jack.. he made me miss Alex a little less. 

"Night Night Jack" I said. Jack patted my head.

"Night brat Now get to your dad" I nodded and walked to Papa. he got me all washed up and put me to bed. he pulled out a book and started to read but I wasn't really listening. Papa stopped and looked at me.

"nervous for tomorrow?" I nodded Papa sighed and put the book down.

"Puppy, I know you want to help catch them but you are finally gaining weight and able to play again. I don't want you getting hurt again. I almost lost you last time" I looked at Papa who smiled then looked back down.

"hey... guess what?" I looked up again and Papa was holding SPOT!! I pulled him to me and snuggled him.

"Where did you find him!?" Papa smiled and pet my head.

"A student said they found him while on a walk. He must have gotten blown away by the wind last night" I got out of bed and hugged Papa.

"what was there name!? I gotta say thank you" Papa looked like he didn't wish to say.

"Malleus Draconia actually" I made a face. How did he find Spot? That was weird. But I nodded, I can ask Lilia later. 

"Now bed puppy, Tomorrow will be a fun day. Riddle will work on catching the Cuprite and you will stick to myside understand? I nodded

"Okay" pouting I climbed under the covers. Papa covered me up and kissed my forehead.


Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now