The winner is...

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"Heh... He's right here!" Mr. Sam said opening the Freezer door. Me and Jade walked out. Jade was rubbing my arms to warm me up. It was really really cold inside. Jade set me down and went to the Fake Jade.

"Huh? The walk-in-Freezer?!" Jade grabbed his jacket and put it back onto his arms then smiled.

"Brr. Thank you kindly for opening the door, Sam" Jade said Idia blinked looking at Us then at the Freezer.

"Whoa? It's FRIGID in there!" Idia blinked. I looked It was really really cold but not Cold enough that I wasn't uncomfy? It was like when Foster Mommy Mia locked us outside in the winter. You stay in a ball and it makes it better.

"You'd have ot be outta your mind to dive into a -10 degree environment without geared for that kinda cold" Idia said looking at us like we were crazy. Jade Picked me back up and rubbed my arms again. I smiled.

"M ok!" He gave me a gentle smile.

"heh, I grew up in the deep northern seas, I'm right at home in the Freezing temperatures actually. If Anything I was worried for the Youngest here. Are you sure your alright yuu?" I nodded smiling.

"Mmmhmm! I'm used to it. My old Foster mommy used to make us sleep outside alot. In the winter it was Really really Cold! I took lots of naps then" Jade's face went dark but it went back to a smiling Jade before long.

"Is that so, Well we will make sure not to allow that from now on. I'm just glad Azul brought jack along like I was hoping. He would. I do so hate to see a Painstakingly Rigged trap go to waste" I giggled and nodded. Ya Jade worked really fast and really hard on that!

"Wait, So that whole Setup was a counter-play specifically against Jack?" Jade smirked and nodded.

"Correct. Jack's keen nose is a tremendous boon when we're allies, But it's an equally Tremendous Hazard when we're enemies. And That's before accounting for his swiftness and Stamina" I nodded.

"Ya I played with Jack before. He's really really food and Fast! he also is really smart when its plans. But not great with seeing traps" Jade nodded.

"I was not aware you had played this type of game with Jack before" I nodded.

"MMhmm! With Mr. Vargas's class one time! Jack was on my team though" Jade nodded.

"Yes that makes sense then. I was One Hundred percent certain that Azul would team up with jack for this game" Idia blinked at us.

"That's like a 4D chess Maneuvering. What were you gonna do if you were wrong?"  Jade put a hand on me stopping from rubbing my arms before looking Idia in the eye.

"I would have accepted that Azul outplayed my Preduction and Given up the game. Now then. I think it's about time I rendezvous with Cater's group. Shale we Yuu?" I nodded.

"MMhmm don't forget the Launcher though Jade" Jade chuckled and nodded.

"Ofcourse. I wouldn't dream of it." Jade pulled out his phone and looked for Cater's Magicam page.

"Why are you pulling out your smartphone, Little Imp? You know that's against the rules, Right?" Mr. Sam said narrowing his eyes. Jade looked up and smiled.

"Ah, This isn't Direct communication. I'm checking Cater's Magicam feed. Thus, It's legal. he Keeps posting Photos everywhere he goes. My plan is to Predict his Path and Catch up with him. Aha. His most recent post has him heading from the school Building towards Main street." I nodded and made a face pointing.

"Jade... Isn't that Trey though? Who's the bobed hair person?" Jade looked and narrowed his eyes.

"Hmm, Looks like we will have to Detour around and head there from higher Ground" Idia blinked at us.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now