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The Next morning I woke up to Marty shaking my shoulder. Grabbing Spot Marty helped me up and let me pick my outfit. Today I got to wear a black button down shirt and black shorts with a white vest. I giggled cause I think I looked like pa...Master Crewel. I hugged Spot tight. I didn't wanna say it in my head. What if he left to. I called Foster Mommy Joanna mama once. she cried and then Jackson went away. then Mr. Arty took my to Foster Mommy Mia. I tried to hard to be good for Foster mommy Joanna. but she left...Master Crewel could leave to.

"Yuu? ya ok kiddo?" I blinked and sniffed nodding.

"mmhmm. just tired still" I said. Marty didn't look like he believed me but that was ok. I was still tired so I was still honest. Marty took my down stairs where Grim and Master Crewel were in the kitchen. Master Crewel had got Grim to help set the table. I giggled a little at that and felt Marty's hand on my head. Ghost hands were weird feeling. Master Crewel's hand was really warm and gentle. But Ghostie hands were cold and when they touched you there was a Shiver that goes down. 

"Good m-or-ning pup? you ok? you look a little down today" I move my shoulders up and down.

"you feeling ok? Do you wanna stay with me in the class?" Master Crewel knelt down my be and felt my head with his normally gloved hand. But at him he takes them off. He says he has to wear them for Lab stuff so he didn't get hurt.

"I'm ok just tired" Master Crewel looked at me then behind me and signed nodding.

"Ok, Do you still wish to go see your strays and Riddle this morning? I'm sure we can put it off for a day or so?" I shook my head. I kinda wanna stay with Riddle today but was that ok? He was in a Big kid class. I was to scared to ask. I love Deuce and Grim, Ace is ok but he gets loud. Riddle was nice though he was Quiet in class and explained things to me. I hugged Spot tight to my chest. 

"ok, Grim save us some food and don't touch Yuu's food!! Puppy and I need a little heart to heart." Grim Grumbled as Master Crewel picked me up and walked into his Study. It was a little different in here. Strange plants hang upside down now on the ceiling and there was paperwork on the Desk. Master Crewel set me on a couch and sat next to me.

"What's going on puppy? something is Obviously wrong?" I played with Spots doggy tag and shrugged.

"Did you have a bad dream? Did someone say something to you?"  I Shook my head. Master Crewel sighed and put a hand on my head.

"Pup I can not help if you don't let me." 

"Are.." I stopped and bit my lip. He tapped my nose to make me stop.

"Are?" he asked. I took a deep breath. I had to know. I didn't wanna hope if he was gonna go away.

"Are...are you gonna leave?" Master Crewel blinked.

"Leave? Perhaps but I will come home after Class" I shook my head.

"No.. Leave Leave...not come back Leave" Master Crewel made an oh face and I sniffed.

"Oh...Oh puppy no not if you don't want me to. Do you want me to stay?" I nodded and hugged Spot tight. Master Crewel got up and told me to stay as he walked to his Desk and pulled some papers out. Walking back he sat down and held the papers in front.

"Puppy do you know what these are?" I shook my head and he softly smiled.

"These, are Adoption papers. I was waiting to show you till I thought it was a better time. Once I had talked to my Lawyer about it. Get us set with a court date. but I suppose now is a better time. Do you know what adoption means?" I thought for a moment. I think I remember Mr. Arty saying something about adoption when he showed me off to couples. 

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now