Confused but Happy

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The next few days were kinda silly. Papa was Busy with the Boys alot. I did get to Visit Pomefiore though! Papa said I could only have Surpervised visites though. Mostly I spent time with Ruggie and Jack. Papa said he was Busy working on outfits for the Boys. I didn't get what he meant though. He was sowing alot lately and it was alot of white. He did let me help with the Flower Crowns though. He said he would work on Kalim and Jamil's if I did Leona's and Ruggies. 

I put pretty flowers in Ruggie's and then I made little Clippies for Leona Kitty. He didn't seem like he would like Flower Crowns very much. Papa would take me over to Pomefiore for "Fittings" He even made me one! I was so excited I showed Crackle a Photo of my in the Outfit! It was White and had pretty Flowers on the sleeves. I liked it cause the sleeves were Long but they had a cut down the sides so when I waves my arms the sleeves were like Boat Sales! Papa put a thing on my shoulders that felt funny. It wasn't a scarf he said, It was a Decorative Accent. I don't know what that means but it had stringie thingies on the bottom I could play with!

He gave me White pants to and said I wasn't allowed to Play in them. It was alot of white. I wasn't used to it. I'm not sure why I got a white outfit to but it was fun to be Papa's Model! When Papa was working though I had to not be in the room. It was cause he couldn't watch me when he was Focused. Atleast that's what Barley said. So I spent lots a Lotsa time with Ruggie. He said he had to Practice. I asked what for but he said he would tell me afterwards.

When I wasn't with them I was with the Faeries. It was fun to decorate. I helped Thistle when they had to have something Held and I got to see her Majesties finished Crown!!! It was so pretty! The stone was nice to but I think that the Silver would have been prettier if it was gold like she was. But I didn't say that. I kept hush hush. 

Sometimes I would see Papa walk around in the Botanical Garden but when that happened all of the Faeries would run away. He would hold me hand and tell me to be careful. I tried to tell him I was being careful but he got a sad face and I stopped. I didn't want Papa to be sad. So I stopped trying. But I didn't stop helping her Majesty. 

One day I sat with Lilia cause Ruggie said he was gonna go visit Leona and didn't want me to be close to Jamil. Lilia had tea with me as I kicked my feet. 

"Young one? How have you been handling the Weather change?" He asked. I looked up and smiled.

"It's ok! I wish it wasn't so Bright here" I said Pouting at the sun shining in the window. Lilia glared with a smile still on his face.

"I am Inclined to agree, However it will soon be Fixed." I tilted my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Lilia chuckled.

"Well, The Faeries will be having their Gala soon. Hopefully some time during or after the Weather will be fixed" I felt myself freeze. Lilia laughed and set down his tea cup.

"Fear not Young one, I will not tell that you have been helping them. However I believe you should not get any further involved" I pouted and Lilia gave me a warm smile.

"Not to say that you can't continue to help them set up for their Gala... However after that I believe it is best to stay away" I looked down.

'It's ok. I wasn't invited anyway, I just wanted to help cause I like talking to Crackle and their Friends" Lilia nodded and picked up their Tea cup taking a sip.

'I understand that, I just do not wish you to get into Trouble. As you are aware Fae can be little Tricksters. Faeries are not exempt" I nodded.

'OK.. I'll be careful!" Lilia smiled softly at me and nodded.

'I know you will. You try very hard to be often... But accidents also happen quite often as well." I smiled at him and he chuckled. After that I went to help Dew with some of the water things for the Gala. They said they wanted to use String and put Droplets to them so when the sun came down it was all pretty and glowwy. I didn't understand till they showed me it. It was really pretty.

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