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I kicked my legs waiting till Master Crewel walked in the doors. By the time he did everyone had already left.

"Oh puppy there you are. Listen I'm afraid I forgot I have a meeting with the other teachers today it should only talk about an hour. Do you mind waiting in the court yard for me?" I pouted a little cause I had so many questions I wanted to ask but nodded. I didn't wanna be annoying to master Crewel when he's been so nice to me. Patting my head to walks me out to the courtyard.

"Here we are. Now I should only be an hour and there is much you can do out here. Be good for me puppy" I nodded a little sad as I watched him go. Looking around I saw an apple tree. It looked nice and shady there. Sitting down I looked around grim and the boys must be in class by now. It's kinda lonely...with out them.

Leaning against the tree I looked up. Its been a long time sense I could do the homes it was always busy. Someone had to go somewhere. Or someone got in trouble. Couples coming to look at us. Foster parents yelling. Or hiding and hoping not to be found. I played with my hands. Now I don't know what to do. It's to quiet now...I hope master Crewel or Mr trien teaches me to read first. Then I could read if I get lonely.

I heard foot steps. Looking up I saw some people walking around. Maybe they were going to the next class. As they walked I saw a person with horns walking with that one green haired boy. They had that green uniform on. What house did Trey say that was ..dianomnim?...dia... diasomnia! As he walked a purply thing fell from his bag. I guess he didn't see cause he just kept going. Walking up I looked and found a cute little game with a animal inside.

Giggling it looked hungry so I pushed a button and yay! It ate something. Poor horn guy must miss this. I should go find him! But I don't know his name. 

I put it in my pocket and started laughing looking around. No not in that room. Not that one either. I was sure he walked this way. That's when I saw Lilia. Waving I ran over and grabbed their jacket

"Lilia!! I'm so happy I saw you!" Lilia chucked and knelt down to me

"Little one now I'm very sure you aren't supposed to be this far into the school. What brings you this far?" I smiled I like the way Lilia talks it's funny. I held out the purple game to him. He blinked then turned it over.

"Where did you get this?" I looked at it then the game.

"It fell out of a boys bad he had horns and he had green like you. I'm trying ta find him so I can give it back." Lilia gave a soft smile.

"You know I believe I know exactly where this.."Lilia looked like he was trying not to laugh.

"Boy might be. I think you will find him in class 3-d. They should be in physical education right now" I nodded as Lilia gave me back the game before shooing me off. Waving I ran to whee I think Mr. Vargas is.

Running to the field area I saw him teaching a class. And there was the boy! Lilia told the truth. They looked like they were playing with broom. I waited till after the horn boys turn before going up and tugging on his pant legs. He blinked then looked down.

"A..child?" He looked at this class then glanced at me before backing out of the class. Crouching down he tilted his head.

"Are you lost young one?" I shook my head then held out the game.

"I saw you drop this! The little thing inside was making noises so I gave him food I hope that's ok" the boy blinked then smirked and took the game.

"You have my thanks young one. Though I am curious why one so small is this establishment?" I tilted my head then make my oh face.

"I got taken here by a scary horsie but Mr. Crowley let me stay. And now I live at ramshackle" I saw the boys eye brows scrunch a little before they stopped.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now