Team Fail

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 It didn't take long for them to get us all back to the Field. I blame my tiny legs they all gots Long legs so they can go faster. And they were running! When we got back Mr. Crowley did a head count and then nodded.

"Time for a roll call! Trey Clover, Jack Howl.... Jade Leech, Floyd Leech..... KingScholar, Schoenheit, Zigvolt. You are all here, good" He called out. The people who's names he called walking forward. Floyd pouted as Papa took me back holding me close to him.

"Awwwe, I wanted to hold them longer" He complained.

"Those ghosts were chasing me everywhere. So this is where you all escaped to." Trey said looking around and seeing Riddle.

"Now Floyd you know we wouldn't be able to take them with us. It's to Dangerous for someone so young. Though I am Quite relieved we could meet up with you all" Jade said looking around and smirking at Azul. Azul however crossed his arms saying nothing.

"Headmage, May I ask what you want with the seven of us?" Vil asked putting a hand on his hips. Mr. Crowley smirked.

"I want you to ask the Ghost Princess's Hand in Marriage" Jack blinked and Trey gulped.

"E-Excuse me!? Just what are you on About?!" Jack called.

"Pardon me. It would be a dereliction of my duty to dispatch my Vice HouseWarden while I sit on the sidelines. Allow me to join them, Headmage!" Riddle said stepping forward.

"Unfortunately I can't Rosehearts" Mr. Crowley said looking down at him.

'Whyever Not?"Riddle asked. 

"You must ask what these seven students have in common. The answer is simple..." Mr. Crowley paused and I smiled.

'They're all Tall?!" I asked. Mr. Crowley nodded.

'Correct! They are all over 180 Centimeters tall!" Riddle blinked seeming frozen for a little bit then looked at Mr. Crowley his face getting slowly redder as he spoke.

"..... Are..... Are you calling me.... SHORT!!!???" He yelled. Papa took a breath.

"Less that you are short and more that you do not meet the Requirements that The Ghost Princess has stated... If you were to go you would be rejected I'm afraid"  Floy laughed at Riddle slapping a hand on his back making Riddle stumble a little.

"Oh Man, You can't reach the "You must be this tall" Sigh? Wanna stand on my Tailfin? Might give you some extra height" I pouted.

"Floyd no being mean! Riddle is still growing! Right papa?" I asked. Papa nodded.

"Yes that is correct... However for this he sadly does not meet the Requirement" He sighed.

"She's choosing a husband based on height? So she'd prefer a slippery scoundrel like Floyd because he happens to be tall? That's ridiculous" Riddle said crossing his arms. Trey tried putting a hand on Riddle's shoulder but he just brushed him off.

"Now, Now, Riddle. Everyone has their quirks" He said. Riddle took a breath.

'Yes, I know, There's no accounting for tastes." Floyd snickered then paused.

"That's the Spirit! Besides, Bein' small's got it's own charm... Wait... Where's goldfishie? Did he just disappear" Floyd said looking around but not looking down. I covered my mouth cause Floyd was being silly again. He glanced at me and winked looking more.

"Here GoldFishie Fishie!" He called. Papa shook his head at them.

"What are you talking about, Floyd? I'm Right-" Floyd jumped and looked down making an Oh Face.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now