Snake Whisper

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"weren't you Asleep!?" jamil asked standing up. Kalim grinned.

"I keep telling you to stop wandering around on your own! What if you get Kidnapped again?" Kalim waved his hand and snickered.

"You're always so worried Jamil. It's ok, I'm fine. Jade was with me" Jamil blinked and looked to Jade who walked in and picked me up off Floyd.

"ha... Jade?" Jade nodded to him.

"Yes, I was with Kalim the whole time, Youngest did you have fun?" I smiled and nodded.

'MMhmm! Their really really good at this game Jade" He smiled at me. Jamil glared at him and clenched his fists... Why was Jamil so made? Now we know Kalim was ok! Cause Jade is super super strong! He protected me during the Bean Party! 

"Kalim is such a kind person. He taught me so many things." Jamil glared and took a breath.

"What did you do to Kalim" He said looking at them Calming down." Jade smirked and tapped my nose. I giggled and smiled big.

"Did what? We just had a good time talking together. Right, Kalim?" Kalim nodded Grinning.

"Yup, I showed you around the Treasure Vault, Huh?" Jamil didn't look happy though. Was he made cause Kalim went with out him? But If you only stay by one person then it can be lonely. That's why making lots of friends is important! 

"Oh yeah, Jamil! Do you still have that silver and Blue carpet, Do you know where it is? I couldn't find it anywhere" Jamil sighed and shook his head.

"Let's go back Kalim, Yuu. It's past your bed time. Your Father will not be happy to have you up so late" I pouted and Wiggled. Jade set me down. 

"Bye bye Jade, Bye bye Floyd. Night Azul" They looked at me and then I saw their eyes look at eachother and I walked to Jamil who started pulling on Kalim.

"Eh, Why?!" Jamil pulled him again.

"Just go back to your room!"  Kalim yelped.

"uwah!! Okay, OKAY! Fine! I'm going! Just don't pull me!!" Jamil held my hand and pulled Kalim away. I looked up almost tripping as Jamil looked back with a little glare.

"Sorry jade! I'll find it for you later!" Kalim said as he was pulled away. as we walked I started hearing it again. We turned a Corner and my Feet gave away. Jamil looked shocked as He let go of Kalim and picked me up. It was loud next to him though! Was it Kalim? O-Or was it Jamil? Who was dripping.

"M-Make it stop" I sniffed this time there were Four drips! Four! It was getting worse. I relaxed when it stopped but I was tired now. Jamil looked at Kalim and he sighed. Holding me he took Kalim to his room.

"Are they ok? " Kalim asked. jamil nodded.

"Yes, It appears they are having some Head Aches as of recently. I should get them to bed. You should be asleep as well." Kalim put his hands up and sighed.

"Ok, OK I'm going." He nodded and Kalim shut his door. Jamil looked down at me and rubbed my back.

"The Dripping?" I nodded and hugged his neck. He sighed.

"Do not give it to much thought. Ignore it best you can Little Jinn" I closed my eyes. I was really tired now.


I had another dream. This one was with the Sorcerer standing on a man that was blue! He had his foot on his face and was holding something that looked like a tea pot. Then he made the Blue mad take over a big Palace. The Palace kinda looked like Scarabia.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now