Calm before a storm

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The next few days Papa was quiet. I don't know why he was quiet but he was. He would walk around and say things under his breath. Grim started saying that we had finally driven him off the deep end. But I didn't think so. I think Papa was coming to terms with his feelings. I had asked after the wedding if Papa liked Mr. Crowley. Cause Papa and Mr. Crowley were always arguing. 

It sounded like Papa was worried alot about us. And I knew Papa would help Mr. Crowley with his Papers cause he would aske Lilia to watch me on those days. Sometimes It was Jack but After coming home with Bruises from wrestling Papa said It was better if Lilia watched me. I think that was silly though cause I was ok then! We were just wrestling but Papa didn't think so.

Today though Papa was sitting then standing up then walking around and sitting again. I thought he might have a wedgy he needed help with but Grim didn't think so. Finally Papa took a breath and sat down holding his hands together and putting his forehead against them.

"Puppy... Can we talk?" He asked. I peaked from the play room And smiled. running over. He gave me a small smile and helped me on to the couch.

"Puppy... Do you remember when you asked me that... Question? About Dire and I?" I nodded.

"Mmmhmm!?" He sighed and nodded.

"After giving it some... Thought... I have decided that perhaps. I do infact like him. I am angry with him and Will probably never forgive him for how he Treated you when you first came nor his need for putting you in danger... But just maybe, I feel something for him more then a Professional relationship." I frowned.

"Does that mean your gonna go on dates with him? And get married like she did?" I asked. Papa chuckled.

"Perhaps, I will be speaking with Dire about a possible relationship however your Safety comes first. If he can not understand that then I do not believe our Relationship will continue onto marriage" I nodded.

"Ok... Can I come on the dates?" Papa laughed and picked me up hugging me.

"I think that can be arranged haha, But only on some. Sometimes adults need alone time just like you do Puppy" I pouted.

'Mmmm Ok... I think I can share but you gosta promise to not go away ok?" I asked. Papa blinked down at me.

"oh.. Puppy no I'm not going to go away. If anything it would just add to another in our home is all. I would leave for a night but I will be right with you for when you wake up" I frowned.

"promise?" I asked. Papa nodded and held his pinky up.

'I promise Yuu, I will not be leaving you anytime soon" That night Papa had Barley and Lee watch me for a bit until he came home. With him he Brought Mr. Crowley who took off his hat when he came in. I smiled up at him and waved. Barley had been helping me with my Work book! This time we were working on the story of the Beautiful queen! Lee had told me she was good at making Potions like Papa was but she was bestest at making Poisons. Barley said Poisons weren't like cleaners like I thought. He did say that was Poisonous though. That means it will make me sick.

Poison's were something made especially to make someone feel Ickly. I asked why did made them then and he said because there was an art to it and some came out and made things extra pretty. 

When Mr. Crowley and Papa walked smiled at me and told me that Us three were gonna make dinner together. I was super extra excited cause I had never made dinner with Mr. Crowely before! 

"Dire child, When in this home you may call me Dire" He said. I nodded and giggled. No adult let me call them by their first name before. Papa shook his head at Dire with a soft smile and helped me sit at the table and cut the veggies. Papa said we were gonna have a hot pot sense we gots lots of people here tonight and it was still cold outside. 

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now