Party Prep

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Papa had me back on a Schedule again. I had to get up at 7am each day, Then eat Breakfast with Papa and Grim. Grim would complain about not getting enough to eat and I would giggle. Then we would all walk to school. We had to get there early cause Papa had to set things up for his Classes. I could play in the Courtyard before then or I could help. I liked helping Papa. It made me feel like he wasn't angry. That happened alot. When Papa would do something I would get twitchy and then go try and help. Papa said it's cause of when I would get yelled at before I lived with him. I think He's right cause Mia would throw things and scream when we would sit. 

Grim however didn't wanna stay. He said he got Bored alot. But he would only got to Deuce and Ace if he leave the Class room. Papa said that was ok. After helping Papa set up everything he would then tell me which Part of my Work book I had to do. Right now we were learning to write from a story. So we could understand words. You had to write the words and then read them. Papa helps me at night but during the day I have to do my own work.

He would then Teach class and I would do my work book. Then I had to got to History with Ace and Deuce. Grandpa Trien would teach that class. He would let me sit at my Desk or his during History. I was in charge of making sure no one fell asleep. I also really liked listening to Grandpa Trien teaching. There were lots and lots of stories to tell when you were in his class. Right now we were learning about a Battle in the Scolding Sands. When 40 Thieves were running around. 

After that was Uncle Vargas Class! I liked his class cause I got to run around. One time he even let me Blow the Whistle!! Sometimes the class ran in circles. Sometimes they would fly on Brooms and sometimes they would Play a game. I liked Game days the best. Papa would sometimes let me stop my Schedule if I was Twitchy in class. He would let me spend time all day with Uncle Vargas. Then I would get to Run around and Play all day!!

It if it was a regular Schedule though then after seeing Uncle Vargas I would go to lunch with Ace, Deuce, And Grim. I didn't always sit with them though. Sometimes I sat with Lilia and His Boys. Sometimes I would sit with Leona. Ruggie had gotten funny sense Leona got scary. He would keep an eye on me closely. He didn't let me play with the Older Kids at all instead he would take me to Leona's room where he said it was safer.

"The Big kids play Ruff Kiddo. Sorry maybe when your a bit older?" He would say. This always made pouty but Jack would agree soon after and he was who Papa said was Incharge when I was at Savanaclaw. 

After lunch I would go home with Papa while all the Older Kids would do Magic lessons. Papa would drop me off with Barley, Lee, and Marty.  They would watch me for a short while but them Uncle or Papa or Grandpa would come and help me with my Work book. One time Crowley came but he didn't help much. He would sit and read. I had to sit in the room with him. He wasn't much fun to have watch me.

After a while Papa would come home if he wasn't home already and let me help him make Dinner. I loved helping Papa cook! He even got me a special Knife so I could help cut Veggies. He said it was Enchanted so I would get hurt if I made an Opsie. After that Papa would let me stay up a little longer and Do my Work book or even play! Grim would study at the table and Papa would grade papers. It was quiet but nice. I liked it when I played cause sometimes I could get the Ghosties to play hide and Seek with me. They were really really good at that game! Lee liked to spook me though! It made me giggle as long as It was in a bright place. But one time it was in a dark room and Papa scolded Lee for doing it. Lee promised not to do in anywhere dark again after that.

One day though I asked Papa if I could play in the Botanical Garden instead of in the Courtyard. Papa said it was ok but That I had to have someone with me. I was a little sad at that cause it was morning and No one was around. I ended up walking to the Courtyard instead but saw the Fire Faeries flying by. Calling out Crackle came over and landed in my hand. They were really warm. But it was a warm like a hug not a Ouch Warm.

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