Faerie Gala

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The last day before the Faerie's Party came!! I got to meet a new Faerie who was delivering Faerie dust. Their name was Macy! They had a little mushroom on their head and said they were friends with Thistle. That day everyone worked really really hard to get everything Pretty. When we were done her Majesty called me. Walking over I smiled at her. She was so pretty in her crown! 

"Hello Young one, You did a very good job in helping us out" I smiled at her and nodded.

'It looks so pretty here your Majesty! I'm happy to help!" She giggled and smiled softly.

"I have a thank you present young one. Something extra special" I tilted my head a little as she held out a little piece of paper. Taking it she nodded to me.

'I here by Invite you to the First day Faerie Gala Event tomorrow as our Special guest" I blinked and looked at the paper then her.

"R-Really? Thank you!" She giggled and nodded and flew over a bit closer.

"Of course. After all the work you've been doing. it is the least I can do for your Hard work. I also request you sit with me during the Fashion Show. I would love to here what you have to say about this year's "WindSwept" Outfits" I smiled brightly. Papa would say something like this is an Honor. An Honor is when you feel extra special to be asked something.

'It's an Honor your Majesty" She smiled and touched my cheek.

'well Young one, I believe we can handle it from here. Why do you not head home, We will handle the rest" I tilted my head.

"Oh Your Majesty... Are you sure you don't need anything else?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No we will be fine. You should go and see about a nice Outfit for tomorrow. I'll see you then?" I nodded

"Yes your Majesty! I Will see you then!" I grinned. She smiled and few off. I was happy Papa had made that outfit for me now! I could where that tomorrow. I walked outside and shivered. Papa made sure I brought a Coat with me today. He said with the weather acting icky like this he wanted me to be extra extra comfy. I was really happy now cause I wasn't so cold. I hope the weather thingy got fixed from it's owie. 

I walked home skipping a little, I couldn't wait to tell Papa about the Faerie Gala after! I wish he could have come to but Papa was so busy lately... He probably didn't care. I took of my Coat and walked up the walkway. I could hear papa inside talking to Grim.

'You must wear the Matching Bow for tomorrow Grim! Otherwise you will ruin the whole look!" Papa yelled. I tilted my head and opened to door. Papa was holding Grim by his Bow and grim was all wiggly.

'NO! I Don't wanna!!!! I like my bow damn it! make the Brat wear it!" He yelled. Papa was about to yell when he saw me and gave me a small smile.

'Welcome home Puppy, Did you have fun with your mysterious friend you keep seeing?" I smiled and nodded.

'MMhmm! they even Invited me over tomorrow... is that ok?" I asked. He nodded and then narrowed his eyes.

"I actually think that will be for the best. Tomorrow I have something Important to take care of. I hope you have fun... Now for you, You Mangy Feline! You WILL be wearing the Bow!!" He glared at Papa then yelled.

"FINE!! But no Bells!!!" He yelled. Papa nodded.

"Very well, Agreed... Puppy sense I seem to finally be done with my Tailoring until tomorrow. Would you like to help me with dinner?" He asked dropping Grim on the couch. I smiled really really big! Cause papa hadn't had dinner with me in a long time!

"Please!!" I said. He chuckled and walked over picking me up.

'How does Fruit salad with some Cold Soba?" I nodded.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें