Asking for help

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"J-Jack?! What are you doing here? Why did you Yuu!?" Deuce said surprised.

"Oh are you...? No, I don't see an anemone on your head. I'm afraid we're having a staff meeting right now. If you don't have a stake in this mater, I must ask your leave for us to sort this out internally" Azul said fixing his glasses. Jack growled lowly and I gripped his coat a little harder. the growl was loud when it was right by me.

"You think I don't have a stake in this? I was planning on studying on my own and out scoring these guys in a fair competition. and now you've ruined that. I think I DO have a stake here!" I patted Jacks cheek hopping to calm him down. He glared at Azul.

"Jack it's ok, Deep breath" I said. like Papa tells me when I get upset. Jack did take a deep breath but continued to glare at Azul.

"Yuu, Jack? are you here to save us!?" Grim looked at us with hope. I pouted at him. no I was mad and I was gonna tell Papa that Grim cheated. he was a meanie all week and these was why? No. he can go away.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm disgusted with every last one of you." I made a sad face and Jack shook his head.

"Not you Yuu. I mean these idiots" I nodded with an oh face. Yay I was worried Jack was mad at me to.

"Why would I side with the slimeball offering shady backroom deals or the guys who chose to let others do their work for them?" Jack glared at Grim Ace rubbed the back of his head confused.

"What are you here for them?" Ace asked.

"Actually, I think Jack's right. He's given me a wake-up call I needed. If you wanna win, You gotta snatch that victory yourself, In other words... If I can snatch my contract for Azul by force and tear it up, It's null and void!" Grim yelled students started nodded.

"Hey, Now that you mention it." A pomefiore student said.

"who needs specialties when we've got numbers?! GET HIM" a scarabia yelled. Students started getting closer about to charge at Azul.

"Dear me, I really didn't want to resort to violence, but alas. Jade. Floyd. Play with them for a bit" Azul said. Jade and Floyd came from behind a wall standing on both sides of Azul. Floyd smirked at all the students and Jade put his hands behind his back smiling.

"Understood, sir" Jade said.

"Oh, Man, I get to squeeze, 'em all? HA HA Nice! " Floyd said the students charged.  Jack's ears went back and he jumped out of the way covering me with his body growling at anyone who got to close. It reminded me of Ruggie when Leona overblotted.

 I patted his cheek but it was like he didn't see me. he was looking everywhere but me. I couldn't see what was going on but I heard alot of painful hitting and sounds. I covered my ears and Jack hid behind a couch. Soon it was quiet and Jack looked out. All the students were on the ground and rubbing there arms and faces.

"Geez, What a Bunch of wimps. They're barely worth squeezing. I mean Cuttlefish can take my Squeezes, this is just sad" Floyd pouted.

"It's like a whole school of feeble small fries" Azul signed fixing his glasses.

"How many kindas magic can this Azul guy bust out?! I call shenanigans!" I made a face. Didn't Ace hear Azul before. He said he got all the people here's magic. that means he can use it. Ace must not have been listening. that's ok I would tell him later.

"Did Azul's golden contract deflect all your attacks?" Jack muttered coming from behind the couch. he looked me over and I smiled. I was ok. Jack was a good boy he made sure I was ok.

"Argh. This is just showing me how hard I lean on my specialty normally" Deuce signed checking my face over then scrunching his face when he moved to fast.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now