UnBirthday Party Take 2

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Master Crewel got me dressed the next morning. he told me to calm down and that the party wasn't till 3 but I was just so excited! Master Crewel dressed me in a blue Button down shirt! and some Black shorts with white frilly stuff and came in at the bottom! Master Crewel said they were Pumpkin pants. I think that's a silly name for them! he even let me wear white and blue stripped tights under them!

"if I recall, Outsiders invited must dress as Alice, these are the girls colors" I pouted at a that. that girl was mean to the queen in the book. she made the queen mad mad! 

"now now no pouting Puppy, you look adorable" Master Crewel said brushing my hair before putting a long bow that had a playing card in. Master Crewel took out his Block. He said it was called a Phone not a Block. 

He told me to stand tall and then took a photo. Master Crewel showed me after and I asked if he could take one with me I could have. he gave me a little smile and nodded. Putting his phone on the table by my bed he told me to smile then FLASH. it went. He showed me and told me he would give me the photo later. 

After getting dressed he gave me breakfast. it was so yummy! it was apple sauce and Milk. Master Crewel said if it made me feel sick to stop and I could have something else. I liked that about Master Crewel. he always asked me things.  

after we both finished Lee told us he was going done fixing up the house and wanted to give us a Tour now that it was all done and "safe". I tilted my head at that but Master Crewel just shook his head. He picked me up as Barley and Lee floated around showing us all the rooms. Master Crewel said the whole second and third floor were for dorm rooms. he said that meant they were bed rooms so if Ace and Deuce stayed with us again they had a place to sleep. 

Because all second and third  Floors were bed rooms Lee said he would show us Downstairs instead. then the Basement. he said that was where some fun things were. I was so excited to see what was down there.

"so Here on the first floor of course you've seen the Dorm Lounge and the Kitchen. There is also the Library and the Study rooms" Lee said floating next to us. 

"Do you mind if I use the study rooms in the future for preparing for classes" Master Crewel said Lee smiled bright and nodded.

"sure thing! We found talked to a few of the school's specters and found some great kid books for our littlest friend. we made sure to put them in the library on the lower shelves" Master Crewel gave Lee a soft smile.

" I appreciate that. I also understand you are Poltergeist type ghosts correct?" when I made a face Barley looked down at me and chuckled.

"he means we're prankster ghosts kiddo. Poltergeist type ghosts mostly work with pranks." I blinked then made my eyes wide. there were different kinds?? I didn't know that. Barley laughed and floated next to me.

"I would appreciate if you did not do your "pranking" while I work in the lab. for safety reasons" Lee nodded.

"I think we can agree to that." Lee went through a door, Master Crewel opened the door and let us walk inside to a small library. it wasn't like the school library. it was alot smaller but still had alot alot of books! After the Library he showed us that here were 5 studies. 3 on the first floor, one on the second and one on the third. Master Crewel Chose the Study closest to the lounge as his and told me I could turn the one next to it into a playroom/ Class room.

 I was really excited to hear that. He said he would talk to Mr. Trien about decorating it! He even said I could help paint it any color I wanted as long as I promised to help paint. I nodded cause I really wanted to paint it blue and green!  In mine it was bare except for a Desk and some shelves. Master Crewel said it was bare so we could decorate though. 

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