Seeing and old friend

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Deuce dropped Grim and I off at home. Papa Meet us outside and brought me in. He had Dinner ready and sat us down. It was Spaghettis! papa said I was doing really well eating so I could have something Hardier. 

"How did it go today" Grim Groaned falling asleep at the table.

"Grim got to play SpellDrive with the Savanaclaw boys" I grinned. Papa covered his mouth but his cheeks rose up a little.

"My that sounds quite fun, Though I meant with the investigation." I made a Face.

"It was ok, We tried protecting people who might get owies but none wanted out help" Papa patted my head.

"well Puppy you must remember, Mages have a hard time asking for help. we all think we are the most powerful. This makes us Proud. Do you remember what I told you about Pride?" I thought for a moment.

"Pride is when you feel extra happy about doing things yourself right?" Papa nodded.

"Yes, a bit. well Many Students think asking for help will hurt this pride" I gasped.

"How can asking for help give you owies though" Papa chuckled.

"Not that kind of hurt puppy. the kind that hurts in your chest. Like when your feelings are hurt" I made an Oh face. Papa smiled sadly at me.

"Perhaps tomorrow will be better" I nodded and gave him a little smile. After Dinner Barley carried Grim to bed. He was so tired he didn't even eat all his dinner. Papa gave me a bath and then Dressed me in A Really big T shirt, and Shorts. I fell asleep before Papa even opened a book though cause I was really sleepy. 


Drip drip drip.

I woke up to a nightmare. Foster Mommy Mia was yelling and telling Alex he wasn't allowed to take me with him. She screamed at him to get out! Alex saw me watching and his lips moved but I couldn't tell what he said. Foster mommy Mia slammed the door in Alex face before turning and glaring at me. Then it all changed and it was Papa's face glaring at me. 

I shook in my bed and looked at Grim who was fast asleep. talking like he always does. I didn't wanna wake up Papa. I didn't want to make him hate me after I just got him. Getting up I pulled my new blankie around my shoulders, Hugging spot I Quietly walked down the stairs. The Ghosties were out tonight. I member them telling Papa that they would be going to talk to there friends at other dorms. I kept hearing that Dripping. It sounded to much like... 

My feet hit the bottom step and I moved really really quiet so I didn't wake anyone up. Opening the front door I waked out and closed it. I walked to the steps and sat down pulling my blankie over my head. It was Cold out here. But it wasn't as bad as when Foster Daddy Eric locked me out once. it was snowing then. I miss the snow. the snow was Quiet. I sniffed rubbing my cheeks. looking up I saw little Green lights everywhere.

"Fireflies?" I asked. But I've never seen fireflies when it's cold out. 

"Hm? Who's that over there?" I heard a Familiar voice say. Looking up I saw A bright green uniform. Looking further I saw Hornton's pretty Green eyes.

"Hornton" I sniffed.

"Young one? this is a surprise. It is Quite late why are you awake wondering this Building?" I tilted my head and he narrowed his eyes a little.

"I live here Hornton with Grim and Papa" Hornton nodded and tilted his head like I did.

"I was not aware your Father Lived with you Young one. I believed Divus Crewel was your Guardian?" I shook my head.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang