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I woke up in Floyds bed his hand was flung over my face and I pouted and tried to push him off. Floyd was sooo heavy!!! I pouted and a shadow stood over me with a snicker.

"Oh dear, Yuu you seem to be in quite the conundrum. Would you like your brother to help?" I blinked and made a face. I know what Jade and Floyd wanted but I didn't wanna! I wasn't gonna get attached again! they were just gonna leave! I shook my head and Jade snickered folding his arms.

"Are you sure? I can get you out. you just have to say the word" I pouted and tried to wiggle again. then the worst happened. Floyd turned over.

"ACK!" I wiggled. why was Floyd so Heavy!! this isn't fair! 

"Oh no Yuu is turning into a Dab! however will they get out" Jade snickered. It was hard to breath and I couldn't move. I want out!....it... it was just a word right?... maybe if I didn't mean it it would be ok?

"B...b." Why was it so hard. I saw Jade's one yellow eye get a little brighter.

"Hmm? I didn't quite hear you. Yuu you must speak up for your brother to help" I felt my face get hot. Jade was playing dirty! He was acting like Taylor used to! She would wait then why you really needed it she would help but only if you gave her what she wanted. Mean!! ok yuu, you can do this! its just a word.. you can say it.

"Br..Big brother..help" I whispered. I saw Jade's face split into a grin.

"Hm? Oh dear I'm afraid Floyd is making it hard to talk yes? try a bit more Yuu." my face got hotter. Meanie face! 

"Big brother jade...help please." I said a bit louder. Jade smiled and looked pretend suprised.

"Oh goodness of course I'll help. We can't have our younger sibling become as flat as a dab after all" Jade took one look at Floyd then pulled a blanket causing Floyd to fall to the floor.

"ACK!!! Jade!? What the he-...Heck!!!" Floyd blinked frowning at Jade. Jade smiled and motioned to me while I stood on the bed.

"Freedom!!" Floyd blinked then started to snicker.

"Sorry Cuttlefish didn't mean ta squish ya. Guess if your gonna be staying more often we should get you your own bed" Floyd muttered the last part but I still heard it. It made my chest hurt again. it was a sharp hurt and it made me Tired. Jades eyes narrowed and he picked me up.

"Hmm we should dress you for going out I believe. we need to see some Contractors today. I hope you don't mind coming along  Yuu" Jade said set me down on the floor and from his side of the room he pulled out an outfit like yesterday. But the Jade said I wouldn't need my jacket. he did put his scarf on me though and put some gloves on my hands. I don't know if I like wearing gloves. They feel funny between my fingers.

Jade covered my eyes while Floyd got dressed. I didn't realize Floyd was only wearing Pj pants before but Jade said he had to be more polite and that Guppies didn't need to see his nether regions. I don't know what that means though. I think he just didn't want me to see Floyd get dressed.

"You must remember you don't have your fins here Floyd" Floyd groaned.

"Lay ooooff! I forgot for a minute. not like it's everyday we have guppies watching!" I didn't like being called a guppy. I feel like that was them calling me a baby. 

"Please have some decorum" Jade said sighing. I tried to change what they were talking about so they wouldn't fight.

"Is Azul coming today?" I asked. Jade let go of my eyes and Floyd shook his head.

"No, Azul is doing some extra classes today." I made an Oh face. I wonder is Master Crewel was teaching today then. Floyd picked me up and grinned.

"No worries though Cuttlefish, Your Big brother's got your back" I froze in Floyds arms and narrowed my eyes at him. Him and Jade were smirking. They...Those... Butt heads!

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat