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I had a dream of a really big storm. A girl was pulling a man away from a ship. She took him to land and helped him to breath again. but she got scared and Swam off before the mans friend could come help. She waited behind a rock in the water and watched the man get carried away. While she was waiting Two Eel's watched behind her. The eels kinda reminded me of jade and floyd but I think that's cause their hair was the same color and the Eels! I sat and looked around, Grim was at a desk his head under a paper and he was sleep talking again. I climbed out of bed and went to shake him awake.

"Grim? grim gotta wake up" I said. Grim jumped and we both fell over.

"MYAH! Don't suprise me like that, You'll make me forget everything I memorized!" Grim glared at me. I pouted at him but still said sorry. I missed happy Grim. This was was a meanie. Papa said Today was the last day of exams though so maybe tomorrow he will feel better.

"Todays the last day of Final exams, y'know! So you better not distract me or I'll Tank with my Grades, Yuu!"He folded his arms and pouted. I nodded Playing with my shirt.

"M sorry Grim But you gotta get up, We gotta get ready" Grim blinked then looked at the clock. He jumped and Quickly brushed his fur before running downstairs and out the Door. Papa and I looked at the door then at eachother.

"I do hope he realizes Exams don't start till the Professer is Pressent" Papa said putting a hand on his hip. I giggled and Papa pet my head while he held his Cup of Coffee in his other hand. Papa was in his Red tank top and Black and white P.J.s pants today. He hadn't even gotten dressed yet. I giggled at that. Papa just smiled and lifted me up.

"Come along Puppy let us get ready for the day I am sure he will learn Soon enough" Papa chuckled and Brought Us upstairs. Today I dressed like I was from SavanaClaw. Papa made a face but said it was ok. I smiled. I hope I got to see Leona kitty and Ruggie today OH and Jack! I missed them. Papa said I had to stay in the Courtyard today if I wanted to Play or his class room but I had to be super quiet.  Cause everyone was taking there last Exam. I nodded and smiled Promising I would be good.

Papa made us Breakfast and it was really yummy! He made Steamed Rice and Fish! there was alot this morning. Papa said the Ghosties made it while we got dressed. I think it was really good. But I didn't like the fish much. Papa said that was ok and Gave me some Eggs instead. 

After Breakfast Papa and I waked to Class, Grim was waiting outside pacing and then jumped seeing us.

"What took you guys so long!" He grumbled. Papa Narrowed his eyes at him and signed.

"Grim, You are not the only student in need to take there examination. Others need to be here as well." Grim pouted and I giggled. I had to Sit in Papa's desk while Grim, Ace, and Deuce took there Exams. It was really quiet and I got bored really fast. Papa said the next test I could play in the Court Yard. Papa said he could see me from the window so as long as I didn't leave the courtyard I could stay out there as long as I wanted. He would come get me for lunch. 

Papa said for lunch we were going to eat with the teachers. I don't know why cause normally I eat with the students. But Papa said The other teachers wanted to see how I was doing. That made me happy. I missed Mr. Vargas and Mr. Trein. Mr. Crowley wasn't gonna be there though Papa said cause he had Paperwork to do. 

Deuce walked me to the Courtyard before heading to his next Exam. It was Quiet by myself. I didn't like it much but I didn't like inside either. the Writing sounds made my head hurt and made me Grumpy. I kicked my legs and Lucius came out to lay in the sun. I pet him and then a boy came out.

 He had Blue hair that flickered! He was wearing a white suit that looked like it was from one of Alex games! he even had a face mask. The boy had really pretty yellow eyes. He seemed to float around but not like Lilia did. Lilia floated around smoothly. This boy did it like he was going up and down a bit. The boy looked at me and waved. I waved back. Lucius hsssed at him and ran off.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now