Court and confused

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The next morning Papa got me up really really early. He said I had to dress nice cause we were going to want to be Presentable for the Judge. But I felt bad cause I didn't have a present for the Judge. Papa said that was ok though. 

I dressed up in a Nice Sweater and Black pants. Papa had Breakfast ready and then we went to the school and I helped put Fire in the Fire place. A really pretty faerie flew out! They had Fire hair. 

"Thank you young one. For the Wood" I smiled.

"Why does it sound like Crackles of fire? And smells like cooked meat? The aroma!" Grim said walking up. I tilted my head.

"They said thank you. Didn't you hear them?" Papa blinked and looked down at me.

"Puppy... Did.. You understand the Fire Faerie?" I nodded.

"Ya they said thank you for the wood! Didn't you hear them papa?" Papa shook his head.

"I think this best to be kept between all of us understood?" I nodded. Papa sighed and took my hand. He walked us to the mirror Room. Papa held me in his arms and walked through. He didn't even ask the Mirror to take us somewhere but when I opened my eyes I saw a really Big Building.

"This is the Islands Court house Puppy. When we get inside you have to be on your best behavior ok?" I nodded and papa held me tight. We left Grim behind in charge of the Fire place. Cause he was gonna watch them while we did this!

I found out Court was really really Boring. Papa let me play on my new phone. He put an app on the phone called Freddy Fish. You had to play Detective and find out what happened to a Conch! I really really liked this game. It reminded me of playing Detective for Mr. Crowley. Finally the Judge stood. I looked up and Papa paused my game.

'Well... I don't see any reason why you should not But Given Guardianship of this child... In the Case of Yuu, I Rule in Favor of Divus Crewel in Being given Soul Guardianship. The Child's name shale me changed to Yuu Crewel starting the first of the year. I hope you both have a happy life" The Judge slammed his hammer and Papa made sure to cover my ears. The Judge looked at us and gave a small smile before leaving.

I smiled really big for papa and he Hugged me tight. I heard him sigh and he pulled away. Papa looked close to crying so I took my sleeve and whipped his eyes. I didn't want Papa's make up to smudge. He chuckled.

"Thank you puppy, Are you happy with this?" He asked. I saw he was Nervous but he was being silly cause.

"OF course papa!! Your my really Real Papa now!" He grinned and picked me up. I smiled and he took me around the town while we were out. Papa bought a new coat and a new Sweater for me cause it was getting really cold out. he checked the Fabric store to but That's cause we were in town. 

We even went to eat! I really liked going out to eat. When we got back though it was really quiet. Grim wasn't at home. Papa took me to change the Wood. Grim wasn't there either. I looked at Papa and He put another Log on the fire.

"Thank you BeastTamer Crewel," The Faerie whispered. I smiled.

"They said thank you!" I said. Papa smiled and petted my head.

"You are most welcome. Perhaps you could tell us. Have you seen a Fire Beast roaming around? Feline in nature?" The Faerie looked at Papa then at me and landed in my hands.

"Oh yes, They Napped with us most of the day. Until a Scarabia student came and offered to allow him to feast with him. The Fire Beast took the Offer and left. We have not seen them sense" I told papa this and he nodded.

"I do recall seeing forms for Students wishing to stay over Holiday. Infact all of Scarabia was staying... I did find it odd but it was not my Decision to make. It is not Uncommon for Kalim to invite others for dinner." Papa said Frowning.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя