learn your enemy

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That night Grim came home and fell asleep on the couch. he didn't even make it up to the bed room. Papa took him up when I went to bed, but before I woke up he was already gone. 

The next day Jack picked me up from home. I dressed up like a Octavinelle student cause I told Papa, Emily told me you had to dress for the part! The whole day Jack and I followed Azul. We got to the Mirror room first and hide by Savanaclaw's door till we saw Azul, Jade, and Floyd walk past us. I think Jade saw us though cause I think his eye turned to us. After Azul and the twins went different ways Azul went to a place Jack told me was the Lecture hall. he said it was Music class.

There Azul just sang with the rest of the students. He had a really pretty voice but I don't think it matched the voice he talked with. the next place was With Mr. Trien who was teaching Animal Linguistics. Jack said that meant Mr. Trien was teaching how to talk to animals. and Lucius was there meowing at Azul who nodded meowed back and said to Mr. Trien.

"Yes, Yes I see. Lucius says that the last time you gave him a treat was three hours ago, Professor Trien... and that Yuu has been sneaking him tuna" Jack looked at me and I felt my face get hot.

"Grim was being mean so I took some of his. Please don't tell papa" I whispered. Jack breathed put.

"Kinda deserves it. Can't promise Trien won't tell him" I made a face.

"Well, Done, Ashengrotto, That is Correct... and reminds me to talk to Yuu about over feeding him once again" Mr. Trien said with a sigh. I pouted and Jack ruffled my hair.

"SO he dosn't just understand animal languages. he speaks 'em too" Jack muttered. I nodded. the next place was Class with Papa. Azul worked really hard on it. He was super fast and Papa looked at him and nodded. then there was a  PooF! of purple and Azul said he was done. showing it to Papa who nodded and told him he was a good boy and did well. I did see papa look at me and jack for a second before looking back at Azul and continuing his class.

"And the guy brews high level potions as easily as a barista slings lattes? sheesh" I pulled Jacks jacket.

"He owns a Café, so maybe its like that?" Jack Nodded.

"True kid" the next place was lunch. Jack and I sat with eachother. Ace, Deuce, and Grim were sitting together by us to. Jack and I watched Azul order something called Squid Ink pasta and veggies. I made a face and Jack patted my head.

"It tastes better then it sounds" He told me. I pouted. it still sounded icky! I don't like Veggies.

"Seems like Azul's a perfect honors student in every way" I nodded, Taylor was like that to. I member she was really good at school, she always knew the answer to everything. Once she even helped Luke with his homework. he had to do her laundry chore for her for a month though. I don't think that was fair but Luke said it was fine as long as he passed. Foster Mommy Mia was extra mean if the bigger kids didn't pass.

"mroow... Azul sure didn't wast any time workin' Us to the bone. If I wasn't dead on my feet before, I sure am now." Grim pouted eating his Food slowly. I felt bad. Grim normally eats it so fast I forget what he grabs. Ace nods putting his hand on his elbow as he takes a bite of his hamburger stake.

"Cleaning Octavinelle dorm, Waiting tables at the lounge, Going on grocery runs... He's been running me ragged" Deuce breathed out 

"I got called at 6 am this morning." I felt bad Deuce didn't deserve to be woken up that early.

"I gotta go back to help out at the mostro Lounge after this" Ace complained.  I looked around and saw something weird. Why was it only Ace, Deuce, and Grim who were tired. all the other Anemone heads looked fine. they were even smiling with their friends.  

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