the meeting

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Master Crewel came to get me after the game. He looked so happy when I told Mr my team won. Then Mr.Vargas handed Master Crewel 5 pieces of paper looking upset. I wonder why?

On our way to to the meeting Master Crewel said I had choices where to sit but once the meeting started I had to be quiet cause we were just there to take note of what was going on. I think that means we had to be quiet and know what was going on.

Walking inside Master Crewel sat next to the head master and pulled out a notebook. I saw almost everyone was there already. Kalim waved at me and I waved back. Riddle was also there! There were even some new faces and-

"KITTY!!!!!" I ran up to kitty and hugged his leg right. Kitty had a mean face but that's ok.

"Great the brats here" I heard him grumbled I rubbed my face against his leg and he signed.

"Cub get off! What are ya' doing" I giggled at that.

"Alex says cats nuzzle to show they like someone" I heard someone cough and looked seeing Mr. Crowley was patting Master Crewel on the back as he cleared his throat. Kitty put a hand on his face and signed.

"Such a pain" from where I hugged Kitties leg I saw a floating phone was sitting next to someone with silvery hair. And a boy with purple hair tips. He was really pretty to.

Suddenly the back of my shirt was grabbed and I was facing kitty nose to nose

"Your senting me??. " He blinked. I made a mace and thought. Alex used to say cats rub there faces cause they want the person to smell like them. It was a form of talking. Is that was he means. Cause the smell has a sent?
I nod and kitty shakes his head his cheeks slightly pink.

"Way to old for you brat try again when your 16 years older" I pout at that what did that mean.

"Yuu...sit. the meeting has to start" I pouted as Master Crewel told me to sit.  Moving I sat next to Riddle and Kitty.  Mr. Crowley stood after everyone sat and looked around before saying.

"I call to order this meeting of HouseWardens. Our agenda today concerns the October spelldrive tournament. Let us begin with the report from the head of the tournament planning committee. Mr. Ashengrotto of Octavinelle house" Mr. Crowley sat and the boy with silver hair and glasses stood holding a notebook and looked at everyone.

"Greetings. I am Azul Ashengrotto and it is my honor to lead the planning committee. I'm pleased to announce that we have fully booked the grounds surrounding the coliseum. All of the kiosk space allotted to both internal organizations and external buissness is now full" Azul said pushing his glasses up a little. I kinda made a face at that and Riddle nodded  along. Kalim smiled brightly.

"Sweet! This tournament should be a real lively one then" Azul nodded looking at his notebook.

"All invitations to various royalty have been sent and public tickets are selling briskly and as in last year's we have received numerous requests to cover the event, both television stations and print media" he smiled at that with his eyes narrow and the corner of his mouth up a big. It was almost weird looking. Kalim looked like he was ready to jump out of his chair!

" Sounds like the whole world will be watching. Before I was admitted here, I looked forwards to recieving my VIP invitation every year! I imagine you got them to Leona? We might have even run into each other at the tournament when we were kids" Azul had a mad face in and Kitty just signed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Who knows? And also who cares" Leona looked bored but his eyes looked sad. Like he really didn't know if he had.

"This year, I'll have to work extra hard in my makeup to make sure I'm shining like a diamond in the new ultravision displays. With all the exertion, I'll need to be touching it up constantly!" The boy with purple tips said looking upset. Riddle breathed out heavy and narrowed his eyes at the purple tipped boy. Then whispers to me.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora