Star Betting

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The next few days were hard. Instead of getting starts there was alot of practicing. So instead Papa had me do my work book most of the day. Cause they could only Practice after Classes and Papa had to teach.  About Two days after Dire said that Idia didn't have to preform in person Deuce and Trey were Practicing when Deuce looked at Trey.

"How's the dance looking now, Trey?" He asked looking at Trey.

"You've sharpened your individual movements alot. But your timing still needs work. You can't focus soley on the beat. you have to make sure the two of us are in sync" Deuce nodded holding his head up high.

"Yes, Sir!" Trey grinned at him.

"Okay, Idia. Could you take it from the top?" Idia who was on his screen sounded bored.

'huh? You're seriously going again?" He asked. Trey nodded.

'We've only practiced a handful of times. Come on, be a sport." Trey said hopefully.

"Please!" Deuce asked. Idia sighed loudly and complained. I think he was just very bored.

"Why'd I have to get stuck on drums? No matter how accurate my rhythm is, I have to do it over and over if the dancing is off. There are so many other thing I could be doing right now. Do I really have to play it myself every time? This seems woefully inefficient when we could just use a recording." He asked. Deuce glared at him.

"Deuce, You're doing fine. Don't listen to him." I nodded. Ya Deuce is doing loads better then he was. Now he was only a little off.

"You're doing good Deuce!" I grinned. He gave me a little smile and nodded.

"Thanks, Yuu" He said.

"Yeah! You should pay closer attention, Idia. He's doing way better then before!" Ortho said excited. I smiled big. Yay Ortho agreed with me! Idia didn't talk back though and it was really quiet.

"Idia?" I asked confused. 

"Idia?" Ortho asked tilting his head at the screen.

"Idia, are you listening?" Suddenly Idia's screen was back and he sounded confused.

'Hm? Are we starting back up?" He asked confused.

"Can I ask you something, Idia?" Ortho said.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Are you gaming right now?!" Orth asked a bit upset.

"W-What? Why would you ask that?" He said upset. I pouted.

"Idia!! You supposed to be helping!" I pouted.

"I-I am Yuu! I'm focusing on the instrument app! I want to make sure this ceremony goes off without a hitch!" He said but I crossed my arms pouting more. He didn't sound real at all! He sounded like a faker!

"Look, Idia, We're sweatin' blood over her and you're just phoning in your part!" Trey blinked shocked as Deuce walked closer.

"Okay, Deuce, Settle down." He said trying to calm Deuce down.

"I'm fine, Trey. I'm not going to fly off the handle. I'd just like to say my Piece." He said taking a deep breath like Papa shows me when I get upset.

"I'll be the first to admit my dancing still needs alot of work. But I don't need any commentary from a guy who's slacking off during practice. This remote setups isn't working. Please just come out here and play in person!" He asked. Deuce was even polite and said the Magic word!

"Haven't we been through this? I'm helping collect Wishing Stars and I'm doing my job as a drummer. I'm contributing plenty as a Stargazer. I don't need you to nitpick HOW I do it. Oh, But if we're gonna nitpick. What about YOU!? Are you pulling YOUR weight?" He asked from his screen sounding really upset and mad. I frowned. What did he mean? Deuce was practicing really really hard.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt