Late night meetings

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I had another dream. The sorcerer was back and there was a king wearing a big hat! the sorcerer had a Tall snake thing and was repeating to the King that he wanted to marry the Princess. He was shoving the Snake thing in the Kings fast and the snakes eyes were bright red! The kings eyes turned red to. The king started saying it back but then there was Loud music and he ran to look and see what was going on.

I jumped awake and looked around and rubbed my eyes the next morning. I sniffed and shook. I looked around and Froze. My arms got all tight and didn't wanna move! This wasn't my room!? Where was I? The walls where white and the bed had lots of pillows. I heard something and someone walked out of the bathroom. 

"Oh, you are awake." I blinked then sniffed again.

"Jamil! What are you doing here?" He gave a soft smile and dried his hair.

"this is my room. Don't you remember last night? You came looking for Grim?" I blinked and then made an Oh face. That's right I came looking for grim but then I heard someone say something Scary to Kalim and then there was fighting. But now Papa was here to help the Bad dream go away.

"Jamil We gotta talk to Papa, So he can help" Jamil nodded.

"Yes, I agree Perhaps we should contact him this morning" He sat with me and I looked for my phone... But it wasn't here.

"Where is it? Oh no Papa is gonna be mad cause I lost it" I said shaking. He patted my back.

'It's alright no need to worry. I have morning training. Perhaps after I can help you look for it. For now why don't you shower and dress, When I return I'll try and sneak you something to eat ok?" I nodded. He gave a small smile and turned to the Mirror.

 His Pen Glowed and then his hair started Braiding it's self! I didn't know magic could do that. I smiled watching. After a While he turned and raised an eye brow at me smirking.

"What are you doing?" I giggled.

"Watching! How did it do that?" Jamil blinked and touched his hair.

"With Magic of course, It's easier to get them all done this way. Quicker as well so I can utilize my time. Infact I'm running a tad late. I need to Get Kalim's meal ready" He stood and paused before looking at me.

"It's probably best not to leave the room, It's not safe" I felt my self nod and he gave me a soft smile.

"Good, You get ready for the day. I will be back in an hour or two" Then he walked out. CLICK! It was weird feeling when he said things sometimes. But Jamil was a good person he wouldn't hurt me. He was trying to help. It was scary last time I was out of the room. I looked around and when I peeked outside I saw lots of people Marching with Umbrellas. Kalim was on an Elephant! Why wasn't he walking with everyone else? 

"Kalim?" I said tilting my head. He didn't have a happy face he always had on. He was acting different. Like when that Voice said something and he sounded flat... Like he wasn't feeling ok. Luke used to do that. He used to watch Horror movies cause he said it made him Feel something. Luke had a really hard time with that kinda thing. He was older them most of us. Besides Alex.  

Luke was like Alex though. He felt like he had to take care of us cause he was older. And Foster Mommy Mia didn't like to. But Luke was also not very nice. He played Pranks on us. I was just happy it made him laugh... I kinda miss luke. I miss Alex and Jackson the most though...

I climbed off the bed. Jamil's room wasn't very big but it only had one bed. I think that was funny cause everyone else shared rooms with other people. Atleast that's what Jack and The Boys say. But maybe it was just their dorms?

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