Traditional Drums

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The next day or two we get lots of Stars. It was alot of fun to help Idia even if it was really just Ortho and I who did the collecting. idia was like the Person on Tv who talks about a game but never plays them. That was ok though cause he was still there just on a screen instead. After a few days Dire asked us to come to the Tree. Papa said he was gonna have the StarGazers hand the stars on the tree like we did when it was Yule.

When we got there Trey and Deuce were already there staring wide eyed at the tree. Well Deuce was but Trey was setting out all the stars he got. 

"I had no idea there was this Ginormous tree behind the school! Is this where the Wising Stars go, Headmage?" He asked Dire who chuckled a little at him.

"Quite so, Now lets Hoist them aloft!" He said. I giggled as we hung all the ones we got so far. It was alot of work but Ortho helped me when I couldn't reach and Deuce even let me wear his Head thingy for a little bit. Dire just shook his head at us but didn't say anything. After a long while we finally finished and Trey looked at the tree happy.

"That's all the Wishing stars We've collected so far" Deuce said sighing a little.

"It's looking great. Good work" Trey said with a soft smile. Ortho nodded.

"Right!? Are you seeing this Idia?" He asked. But Idia's screen was facing me instead. I smiled at the screen and Pointed up at the tree.

"Um... Oh! Right!" He said making the screen turn up at the tree. I giggled at him for being so silly. 

"You'll find it even more impressive the day of the ceremony, when the tree is bursting with Wishing Stars." Dire said smiling Brightly.

"Though that will depend on how much work we put in, Right?" Trey asked rubbing the back of his head.

"Precisely! I expect nothing but the best from you. Now that that's done, Let's move on, shall we? It's time to discuss what will happen on the day of the Starsending." Dire said walking over to look at the tree closer.

"At our school, The Stargazers are expected to preform a ceremony with traditional dancing and drumming. It's your job to stoke the flames of excitement for the Starsending. Clover, Idia Shroud, Ortho Shroud- I trust you're familiar with the ceremony already?" He asked looking at them. They nodded.

"Last year's ceremony was so cool! One glimpse was enough to burn it into my databanks." Ortho said excited. I looked wide eyed at him.

"Was it really that good?" I asked. Ortho nodded at me.

"Yes! Oh I can't wait for you to see Yuu! It's Amazing!" I grinned brightly at him but Idia just groaned and muttered again. 

"I haven't seen one since I was a kid. What's the set up again?" Deuce asked curious. I was to! I wanted to know what was gonna happen.

"The custom at this school is for one Stargazer to play the drums while the other two dance. But it is no mere dance Recital. Tradition dictates we must preform a wonderous dance backed by a solemn drumbeat." Dire took a breath and started hard at the Three StarGazer boys.

"The three of you must be perfectly in sync!" I jumped a little but Dire put a hand on my head and gave me an "I'm sorry" Look. I smiled a little nervous cause that was kinda loud but I knew he didn't mean it.

"T-That's a lot of rules" I said Dire nodded down at me.

"I've taken the liberty of assigning the roles according the birthdate. Spade and Clover will dance. And Idia Shroud will be in charge of the drums." Trey and Deuce grinned at eachother.

"Looking forward to it, Trey!" Deuce said excited.

"Haha, Right back at you, Deuce. Just don't get too Excited now." Trey said putting a hand on his shoulder.

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