Winter fun

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After Yule Lilia came to visit! He brought a letter with him and a little Gift. Saying it was From hornton! I was really really excited. Papa helped me to read it and Smirked when It was Signed below M.D. I'm not sure why but I think that was Horntons real name! Maybe I should call him M.D. From now on. But Papa said It was ok to keep calling him Horton. Lilia said he had a good holiday and when he went to leave he whispered something in my ear.

"Little one, I have a request... If you and your Guardian have a Party please Invite your Hornton. He would enjoy it immensely if you did" Before disappearing. I didn't even get to tell him about Crackle or what happened. But that was ok cause Papa said that After Break was over I could tell him. Grim was confused and asked me what Lilia said but I made the Zippy Zip motion with my hands. Cause Grim didn't need to know. Papa laughed at us as Grim chased me around trying to get me to tell but I wouldn't! It was mine and Lilia secret now! 

It was really late for a Party now though. Papa said Next year we can have a New Year party and Invite everyone. I was really really excited for the Next New Years now! We had a Week till everyone came back to the school. Papa and me gave Special wood to the Fire Faeries. Crackle was really happy to see me and would talk to me lots when I came. Sometimes when Papa was Busy I would come just to be with Crackle. They told the Bestest stories.

They said they have lived at the Castle their whole life and that they see everything in the Cafeteria sense. I got told about alot of peoples first days here! Even Papa's first day! Crackle said they remember First days better because First days are when most of the Chaos happens. I'm not really sure what that means though.

Crackle even told me about a special Party that was gonna happen soon. He said it was a Gala which means it was a Fancy Party. But it was only for Fairies. I was a little sad to hear I couldn't go but I asked if I could maybe help set up. They said they would ask. I really liked talking to Crackle. I could trust them to always be Honest cause Fae Couldn't lie. And I knew if I had to talk about something Sad I could talk to them cause they wouldn't tell no one.

When I wasn't with Crackle though I went to Octavinelle and played with Floyd! No one was around so the Mostro Lounge was Closed. This meant I got to play with Floyd alot!! Jade would come to and Azul would if it wasn't something to much. Jade even took me for a Hike!! It was hard cause of the snow but It was really really fun! I got to make a snow man!

After a while Winter Break was over and it was time for everyone to come home. I got lots of Hugs. Deuce even Brought me back a snack. He said his Mama made it. I was surprised when he said I could have it but he said she Made it for me when she heard I was living here. I told him to say thank you cause I didn't know her. He told me he would. I made sure to Split the Snack with Grim though cause if I didn't he would get sad.

Lately Papa and Grandpa Trien have been helping me learn Feelings. Grandpa Trien said Feelings were important to learn so I knew what to Respond with. But Feelings were hard. I felt Happy with Papa, Cause I knew happy! I felt Sad when Jamil said mean things to me. Papa asked me if I felt anything else but it was hard. I felt teary and My chest went really Tight. Papa said that was sad and asked me to say what else I felt. I told him I didn't wanna talk to Jamil anymore... He wasn't Safe anymore. Papa said I felt Betrayed then.

I don't like that feeling. Betrayed is a bad feeling I don't wanna feel. I would rather Feel sad and Cry then Betrayed. Another Feeling I learned was Depressed. Papa said he saw sometimes I got Depressed. I had to ask what that meant. He said it's when You are Tired alot and sometimes you feel sad but not all the time. He said Depressed is when it's hard to wanna Move because you don't have energy to do that. He said sometimes Depressed is Staring and not doing anything. And nothing Makes you wanna smile. Depressed is an Icky feeling like Betrayed.

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