Sniper Jade

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I sat in the tree and waited. Grim and Cater were fighting really really well but they didn't have enough beans! I grabbed mine and through it. I tried to make it look like it was falling from a different branch.

"ACK! what the heck? Where did that come from. SHit! I'm out" A Savanaclaw monster groaned. I smiled. I got one! Yay!! Another looked up and froze. 

"Where is it coming from?!" Didn't he see me? Maybe the Orange Ninja was onto something! Maybe Orange was a good color to hide in!

"my, My, Someone sounds like they're in trouble. Shall I offer my assistance?" I heard. Looking up above me I saw Jade! Jade smiled down at me and hit more of the Monsters. 

"OWW!" One Ignihyde monster yelled. he rubbed his head glaring.

"Fuck I'm out to!"

"Beans? They're coming from above!?" Jade grabbed me and moved closer to show where we were. I giggled and he held me close holding his bean.

"Hello there, Monsters. And goodbye- You're out" Jade said I nodded.

"Ya, Your out!" The "Monsters" Pouted before sighning.

"I wasn't expecting People in Magic Camo up in the tree Branches. But maybe I should have" I smiled brightly. Magic Camo? did he mean the jackets? I thought it was cause Orange was a good color for hidding? 

"Confound it all!" the Heartslabyul Monster said running an hadn through his hair. I think I remmeber him from Riddle's tea parties! He was really nice but really good at Cricket. They waved and walked away taking off their Badges.

"You're one of the Octavinelle twins, Right? Uh Which one are you again" I pouted at grim.

"This is Jade!! He's the older twin. Right jade?" Jade nodded jumping down and setting me gently on the ground.

"Very good Yuu, You are correct" Jade gave me a small smile and Cater walked up sighing.

"Thank's for the clutch assist there, Jade! Saved by the 'Vinelle. You know what a dramatic moment like that calls for? Survival Selfies!" I covered my face again and jade moved in.

"Certainly, Cheese" He said with a smile. Cater's phone went Click and then he nodded clicking to post his picture. He had showed me his Magicam once. IT was full of lots a lotsa pictures!

"I see your group also managed to acquire some supply crates" Jade said. I nodded and poked the Blaster a little. It looked like the Beans Papa tried to feed me but alot alot bigger. I hope it didn't make a loud noise. I made a face at it.

"Yeah, and Grimmy's Squandering all the ammo by taking wild pot shots. If we don't find another crate soon, We're gonna run out of beans." Cater sighed picking up the Blaster and checking it. Grim pouted sticking his tongue out at Cater. I patted his head cause Grim didn't mean to he just got excited! I did to.

"Would your group happen to have room for one more?" I looked up wide eyes and nodded. Yay Big Brother Jade was going to play with my group!

"Ya! Please jade!" He smiled brightly at me.

'Sure always room for the guy who saved out Bacon just now" Cater joked. Jade nodded to him.

"Well, All my crate had was a magic camo jacket, and bean bags. I didn't get a bean Blaster. As you might Imagine, I have no desire to face the monster team unarmed" I looked at the blaster and backed away from it. Cater blinked and then mad an Oh face.

"Oh that's right. Hold up Yuu, There were special head phones in this one" He looked back into the crate and pulled out some Orange headphones. Jade blinked.

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