Drakon Wish

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After getting Leona kitty's Wish we walked back. Idia grumbled from his screen as we walked. He said he didn't want to do this anymore but Just as we were about to call it quits for the day I saw one of the bestest people ever!

"Hornton!!" I yelled running over and hugging his leg. I didn't get to see him in the day as often as when school first started. I was so happy to see him. Idia squeaked and flew over.

"Greetings Child of man." He then looked up.

"Idia shroud, Ortho shroud." He said. Idia squeaked and Ortho smiled at him.

"Hello M-" There was a pause then they looked at eachother at Ortho nodded.

"Hornton I gets ta help Idia and Ortho with wishes. Do you got a wish to?" I asked. He thought and nodded then looked at the Green haired boy with him. I think I member his name was Sebek. He was the boy that went with Lilia and got slapped a few days ago. I smiled at him brightly and he blinked confused.

"I believe we do. One moment. Sebek why do you not go first?" He said taking his out and looking at it. I smiled up at him and he showed it to me.

"Child what do you believe me wish should be?" He asked. I looked up at him. I got to help?

"I don't know... I haven't made mine either yet" I said quietly. He nodded at me.

"Hmm. I did recently learn that my Gao-Gao Drakon could have a friend... Perhaps. Hmm.. yes I believe I have my wish. Thank you Child" He said standing. I was then I saw Sebek and Idia arguing over something. I think it was about if Sebek's Boss could beat someone but I didn't get it. Hornton put a hand to his mouth hiding a sneaky smile and then cleared his throat. Sebek went really really quiet.

"Here is my wish" He said holding his Rock.

"I wish for Gao-Gao Drakon to make a friend" And then his Rock turned all shiny like the others did. I smiled big and looked up at him.

"Yooo. I wasn't expecting Ma- er... Um.. I wasn't expecting him to NameDrop a retro digital pet game!" Idia said. I tilted my head confused. Feeling a hand on my head I smiled up at Hornton. I wanted his Pet to have a friend to! That would be great.

"Huh. I've never heard of this game." Ortho said confused. I smiled.

"It's fun! Hornton has a friend on his Bag and you can feed them and play games with them! I hope they get a friend to!" I said excited. Ortho blinked at me for a moment.

"Looking up Gao-Gao Drakon... hm. Oh it's a small handled game device in which you raise a dragon from an egg. I see what you mean Yuu. That does sound fun" I smiled.  Sometimes Hornton let me feed his pet. I liked it's little beeps it does when they eat.

"That's the one. A portable game with a keychain with a cheap LCD screen. Those things were everywhere when I was a kid... Wait... Do you still play it?" Idia asked Hornton who nodded and motioned to his bag where Gao-Gao Drakon was hanging.

"Yes, Lilia purchased it for me as a souvenir during one of his Sojourns to another land"  I heard Idia mutter something but I didn't hear what he said.

"I recently learned that one could use a wireless communication to let Drakon befriend others. But it requires another Drakon to be present." He said sounding sad. I looked up at him sad now to. Poor Drakon. He doesn't get a friend cause no one has one?

"Do you know anyone else who might play this game?" Ortho asked.

"No, No one" Hornton said.

"Yeah, That checks out. That fad died out over a decade ago. They don't even make 'em anymore" Hornton sighed sadly.

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