Saying goodbye

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"Hey, Guys! You can stop standing in the middle of the hall and blocking Traffic now!" I turned and smiled. Ruggie! He had lt's and lots of bags though. I tilted my head but ran and hugged him. He hugged back and smiled.

"Yuu, Didn't realize you were with those Bozzos. How ya been Kiddo?" I smiled big.

"M good! Ruggie guess what?" He raised an eye brow.

"What?" I smiled.

"Papa is taking me to get the Judge to stamp so He is gonna be my Real Papa!" Ruggie blinked then grinned.

"Thats awesome!! Congrats Kiddo!" Duece blinked at Ruggie.

"Ruggie? Whait whats with all that Luggage?" Ruggie set me down and picked it all up again. He had lots of them. And even a Cooler!!

"Oh this? hehehehe I took all the food that waw about to hit its Sell-by date at the cafeteria and the school store. Since we're about to go on break, they gave 'em to me basically for free" I did big eyes cause that's what Alex used to do to! He said they would give it away if you waited long enough and that the date didn't mean to throw it away that day. It could be eatten for another week after!!

"For real?! There's no way you can eat all that" Ace said I giggled. Ofcourse he couldn't . Ruggie rolled his eyes.

"You'd be suprised. The neighberhood kids devour this stuff like, Well... a pack of Hyenas. Besides, Gotta make sure my Grandma eats well over the Holidays. Speakin' of which, this frozen food ain't stayin' frozen for long. I gotta head out. Bye kiddo," I waved.

"Bye bye Ruggie! say hi to your Granny for me!" I said smiling. Ruggie nodded rushing off.

"There he goes... What was that about Neighborhood kids? though" I frowned... Alex did that for the kids to... He said that he used to be a runner and that he used to help a bunch of other runners to. A runner is someone who doesn't stay with their Fosters and runs away. I wasn't a runner. Runners were harder to find homes for.. That's what Mr. Arty said. 

Alex used to be a runner though. He told stories about surviving in the streets. That's how he knew so much about living in the woods! cause he used to!

"Food... is sometimes hard to get" I said quietly. I felt a hand on my head.

'Ruggie comes form a place where food is a bit scarce. Sounds like the Pup does to. Watch what you say" I looked up and smiled. Jack!! he gave me a small smile.

"Anyway. Whenever school lets out for a long break, He stocks up on all the food he can get and shares it with the local kids" I smiled.

"he does what Alex used to do! Before he got taken back to the System!" The system is what Foster is called! Jackson taught me that!!

"What about you jack? What's with that planter you're hauling? You taking up gardening or something?" I looked at the little pot Jack had. He showed it to me and it was covered in little prickers!

"It's a cactus I've been growin' in my free time. It'd wither up if I didn't keep it watered over Break. Still to Young to be on it's own... A-Anyway, enough about me!" jack said. I smiled. Jack likes his plants alot! He is really really Protective of them to.

"Ruggie's sharin' his food with a bunch of kids who ain't even family? Huh? Never knew he had it in him" I pouted.

"Ruggie is really really nice Grim. Don't be a meanie" I said. Grim pouted.

'I was paying a compliment not bein' mean!" Jack sighed.

"Hyenas believe in sharing spoils equally. I'm sure that's how Ruggie was raised" I nodded. I felt my self get picked up and when I looked it was KITTY!! He smirked.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now