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Papa took me to the Nurse after getting home from the Museum. He said because the last few days we so crazy we hadn't been able to go. The nurse checked me out and He said I was ok. He looked me all over and poked me face. He was shocked that my scares were going away so well. I wasn't sure why. I didn't even notice that my cheeks weren't tight feeling any more!

Papa said Jade had given him a lotion and that that was the reason it was healing so well. After the nurse looked at it he nodded and said I had to put it on my cheeks twice a day. I think that's alot though. Even Emily never had to put this stuff on her cheeks. But Papa said I had to so I did. A week came and went and I was with Uncle Vargas one day for gym. He was making everyone do Broom Exercises! I liked watching them go up and down. I wish I could do that. After when everyone was in the changing rooms Uncle Vargas knelt down and told me a big secret!

"Hey kiddo wanna know something fun?" I nodded smiling really big! Uncle Vargas always told me the bestest Secrets! Like how Grandpa Trien had a Step son and that the Step son had run off one day. Or like how Papa has a second house he lives in for the Summer and that he might take me there after school gets out!.

"What??!" Uncle Vargas chuckled ruffling my hair.

"There's gonna be a big game happening in about a week" I made big eyes. I wonder what kinda game it is?

"Ya?" He nodded.

"mmmhmmm! It's for Beanfest!" I blinked and tilted my head. What was a Bean fest? I know Alex used to take us to a hill to watch Festivals alot. He said people called them Fest for short.  Was it where you ate lots and lots of Beans? Luke used sing a song when he ate beans. It made me giggle. Beans beans a Glorious food! Ta more ya eat ta more ya toot. He would make farting noises with his hand after that. But he only did it when Foster Mommy Mia was away. 

"Why would you have Party for Beans?" I said. Uncle Vargas laughed loudly.

"Well I guess it kind of is, Guess your still young enough ya haven't had a proper BeanFest before, Thats fine Ol' uncle Vargas will tell ya all about it" I giggled as he lifted me up and put me on his shoulders.

"Beanfest is A real fun Even that is Held in February, its about how Long ago, there was a place in our land called Happy Valley. Well its called Happy cause it had great land you could plant on and grow food" I nodded Uncle Vargas made lots of hand motions to tell his stories. 

"So this land had a magic Harp ya see and it could sing with a real nice voice. The Magic harp's singing made everyone who lived in its land happy and All the animals and People loved it alot. Even plants loved its music" I made wide eyes. That sounded like a really nice harp. It must liked to play alot for the whole place to be called happy. 

"But see a Giant got jealous of the people and one day he came on down and Stole the harp!" I gasped and Uncle Vargas patted my knee from his shoulder.

"exactly! Obviously those people didn't know how you had to work out so you could be extra strong like your Favorite uncle here! If they were strong like me they could have protected their things better" I nodded agreeing. Alex always said you had to be strong other wise people would hurt you. That's why Foster Mommy mia would hurt us he used to say. Cause we weren't strong enough to make her stop.

"After that, All the plants dies and alot of people went hungry. But a Farmer happen upon some beans one day. And not just any ol' beans- Magic beans!" I gaspsed. Magic beans! They could eat the beans and get magic?!

"These beans sprouted into a giant beanstalk, It grew so fast it by the next morning it was past the clouds!" It was magic cause it grew? Did that mean it grew lots a beans to? Was that why they ate all those beans for the Festival?

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now