unique magic & bed time

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"took you long enough" ace laughed then looked at deuce.

"er....what is his deal?"

"for 16...i thought" i looked at him then at ace.

"egg shock" ace nodded but still look confused.

"lets get this tart started!" soon i was sitting on the counter watching them decorate. trey set me up a station telling me i could decorate mine for Master Crewel and the teachers. it took a long time but soon it was all done!

"ok, now we just sprinkle powdered sugar and....Done!" ace and grim smiled but deuce kinda stayed down.

"er...he gonna be ok?" ace asked i nodded jumping down at patting deuce's arm

"well.. whatever then, i'm pretty beat. making tarts sure takes it outta you"ace said sighing. i nodded agreeing when cater picked me up making me giggle.

"hey fam! you look wrecked. are the tarts done? oooh those look so cute. good job Yuu" i giggled when ace and grim glared.

"we helped to asshole." he waved his hand snickering.

"lemme snap a quick pic for magicam!" cater said taking a photo of him and me infront of it. his tongue was sticking out. cater was silly.

"ya sure NOW you show up?" ace said glaring taking me away from cater and handing me to the still upset deuce.

"i just came to see how hard my little firsties were working" he said batting his eyes. 

"it's tough work if you're not used to it, But there'se no better cute for the ails of fatigue then something sweet from the oven! help yourself to some of this tart." everyone cheered except me. trey patted my head knowingly. 

"pretty funny how you managed to show right when it was ready to eat cater" ace growled sticking his fork into the tart.

"hehe someone's gotta be the official taster!" he said smirking.

"smells so good, glossy chestnuts on top, fluffy cream below...i can't wait another second. i'm going in!" grim yelled taking the first bite of his.

"oh damn!" ace gasped smiling . it must have been so good. i want some to...but i has to wait.

" yumm liked and subscribed!" cater said smiling but his face said he wasn't as happy.

"this is like something from a bakery" deuce said after he set me down to eat his. he tried to give me some but trey shook his head.

"sadly yuu can't have any today" deuce looked at trey then nodded.

" rich flavor, yet not to sweet...its like the chestnuts are dancing across my tongue!" grim explained it. now he was just being mean. i pouted more.

"i sure hope thats a good thing" trey said chuckling like he was nervious.

"oh trey! you gotta do the thing!" cater whispered. trey looked at him funny before signing.


"wanna fill me in?" asked ace. trey looked at him and smiled a little.

" what's everyone favorite food?" he asked

"me? probably cherry pie? oh hamburgers!" ace said.

"canned tuna, at the top of my list then maybe cheese omelets, roast meat, pudding" ace booped grim on his head to make him stop.

"if i had to pick. i guess i'd say... omelet rice?" deuce said unsure.

"i like a nice lamb chop with diablo sauce" i looked at cater weird. that sounded silly what was diablo sauce?

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora