the Kid, the Cat, and the Bully

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 we worked together to clean up the front area. It wasn't super heard. we were getting close to being done. just had to do the front by the gate and then the statues. as I swept grim work on cleaning the statues. there were 7 of them and they all looked kind of scary. after some time I watched big kids starting to walk around. one was kalim! jamil and him seemed to be talking though so I didn't wanna disturb them. there was also two really tall people with blue hair. BLUE! I've never seen anyone with blue hair. 

"so this is the front gate hm? didn't get to see much of it yesterday. wonder who these Seven statues are. all their faces look pretty scary." I nodded agreeing with grim. they did look kinda scary. and big. I liked the kitty one though. he looked soft. I like soft.

"like this lady here looks like she got some real anger management issues" he said pointing to a women covered with pretty hearts. OH she is wearing a crown to!

"huuuh? you don't know the queen of hearts?" I yelped and covered my head before looking at grim who was by a boy with bright orangey red hair. he had a heart painted on his face.

"she was a queen who lived in a maze like garden of roses and madness long long ago. she was a strict women who prized order above all. she wouldn't even tolerate a rose being off-color, or her playing-card soldiers being out of step. she basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared defy her. hey hey wanna know why?" i gulped shaking my head but grim nodded making the boy smile widely.

"because of punishment! for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!" I didn't know what decapitation was but I knew punishment and that was always scary.

"wah! that is seriously messed up!" grim gasped jumping off one of the statues and moving closer to the ginger haired boy.

"pretty cool right? I'm a big fan. I mean, who would bother to obey a queen that was kind all the time." I shrugged. kinda reminds me of foster mommy mia. she always likes things in order. just so. if it wasn't you got punished for it.

"yeah, true. a leader needs to be strong. but puttin' that aside. who're you?" grim asked. he actually seemed to be being polite. I smiled a little turning away from them. I sweeping some more.

"name's Ace. I'm a first-year student here, as of today! pleased to meetcha!" he said I turned and waved a little. he seemed to raise an eye brow but then looked at grim.

"I'm grim! I'm a prodigy who's plannin' to be, like, the greatest mage who ever lived. that there's my far less interesting hench-human" I pouted.

"I'm not a hench-human. I'm Yuu." I turned back away from them. not wanting to talk to them anymore.

"Yuu...but. your a ...huh. name's got an odd ring to it" I shrugged and looked at where I swept.

"so tell me, Ace. is that lion with a scar in the eye a famous ruler too?" ace laughed

"ofcourse! that's the king of beasts who ruled the savanna. But he wasn't born into the throne- he had to earn it through hard work and elaborate schemes. when he became king, he decreed that the hyenas would be pariahs no more, and should live among his subjects as equals." I blinked. that sounded like a nice person. who wanted his friends to be seen but.. it didnt sound quite right. 

"sounds like a great guy! Not everyone's able to look past social status like that. who's the lady with the octopus legs?" I heard grim ask excitedly.

"the sea witch! who lived in an underwater grotto. she basically devoted her life to helping troubled merfolk. if they were willing to pay the price, she'd help them change their appearance, to find love, whatever! they say she was so good, there was no wish she couldn't grant. they also say the price was steep, though. but she was granting wishes! ofcourse it was!" that made sense. you couldn't get something for nothing. that was how the world worked. like I got to live at ramshackle but I had to work still. something for something.

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