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【? 】

【?? Is this real human being?? Recordings

, photos, file transfers, chat histories directing changes to the script... Wait, wait, whatever you want can put Yuan Yinhai to death.

Weibo exploded because of this series of explosive news with a hammer, completely chaotic into a pot of porridge.

General plagiarism has been seen, and academic fraud has also been seen in students, but such a large-scale, long-span serial case is really the first time everyone has seen it.

The object is still a screenwriter who has always been kind and kind, and the work is familiar to everyone!

Netizens were shocked from the very beginning to the collective brushing of question marks, to see Ruan Song actually stood up and spoke up, and the dirty words had reached the mouth of the throat.

In the middle, Sun Kaizi saw that it was not a big deal to see the hilarity, and he also followed out.

[@ Sun Kaizi, who does not want to be a director, is a good screenwriter: I said that I ruan brother such a cow * people, how can I play anonymity, yesterday's trip to the hospital when I did not go, the subway old man looked at the mobile phone .jpg]

This word came out, directly to everyone to draw the focus.

[So this Yuan Yinhai took advantage of the screenwriting studio to give students the opportunity to exercise, recruited students to go in and do projects for him, in fact, did not give the right to sign at all, squeezing students, is this what it means? Am I not mistaken?? 【【

The class representative is correctly solved, and this matter has lasted for one or two decades, and yesterday the studio did not find that since he became a teacher of A University, the output has been basically stable twice a year...]

[Even if Yuan Yinhai only has one Ho Ho every year, for such a long time, at least a dozen or twenty future excellent screenwriters' lives have been buried

[This melon really shocked my whole family, in the future, don't scold the domestic TV series, it is recommended to directly scold Yuan Yinhai, cover your head and .jpg]

[Originally, the development of the domestic screenwriting industry is quite fragmented, not standardized, it is difficult for excellent talents to grow, and Yuan Yinhai is such a scum who touches the fish in muddy waters... .jpg]

[That's why Teacher Ruan has never used his own name as a pen name...]

[My favorite "The Last Sunflower" was actually written by Ruan Song... I'm stupid, really stupid. I feel that I have lived in college for four years in vain, I used to feel that Dean Yuan was very good, and the pupil earthquake .jpg]

[And I, not long ago, just listened to his class and was circled by fans, and even yesterday I quarreled with other sisters on Weibo, and the big fool forced me to be myself... ]

[This kind of thing is more, but no one dares to say (. Among

the netizens who broke the defense, a large proportion of them were graduate students. <

[The sense of substitution directly fills the family, think about it, suffocate, offend no one, don't offend the tutor, it really can make you unable to finish your career, smile .jpg x3]

[Who doesn't know, graduate students are migrant workers who help the tutor work, teeth .jpg].

[Day dog, my tutor loves to pick students with poor family conditions, because we are obedient, good bullying, open secrets, goodbye .jpg]

[With the wrong tutor is really able to make you live or die, I hope that all sisters must find a good sister before choosing a tutor to inquire, the light undergraduate is not OK, to directly find the graduate students under the tutor to inquire, there are really a lot of academic scum and cultivation emperor (don't ask me why I know, Happy .jpg】

The next Weibo can almost be called a full-scale attack.

Xu Lan and the team watched the direction of the wind for a while, and gave Ruan Song the content that needed to be sent on the next Weibo.

Ruan Song still had some doubts when he received it: "Sister Lan, will this draft be too white lotus?"

Ren Qinming was not worried at all: "Useful."

Two minutes later, Ren Qinming's Weibo update.

[@Ren Qinming: I am Ruan Song, I just got in touch with my brothers and sisters to know that everyone was like me, from the second and third year of undergraduate college, I began to be coerced by Yuan Yinhai, I really felt ashamed again, and I did not pluck up the courage to stand up and expose these things.

That is to say, the severity of Yuan Yinhai's incident this time is not just a graduate student who has been recruited into his own hands.

Instead, the "concubine" begins directly from undergraduate, and the selected children have to endure the squeeze until the graduate school graduates.

[This is PUA!!! 【

I really burst into tears, what did Mother's Teacher Ruan suffer ah whine】

【Don't apologize!! Mom won't let you apologize!!! Originally, we had no roots and no ping, but our arms could not twist our thighs!!!!! Now

as soon as I think of the screenwriter of my beloved "The Last Sunflower", who actually suffered this kind of grievance, or Teacher Ruan, I will explode my whole body!!! Aaaaaah]

[It's not you who need to summon up courage, it's this society that is sick, tearful .jpg]

Netizens really responded strongly.

There is no need for the water army to bring rhythm to find excuses for Ruan Song, everyone has spontaneously contacted ruan song on his knees to rescue Yuan Yinhai in the previous day, and his heart is painful.

[Thanks to you remembering his birthday two days ago, saving his life, I really want to be angry with me] [Teacher Ruan don't be ashamed!]

You are also a victim, he was blinded by him thinking that he had changed his ways and returned to righteousness 15551]

[Our teacher Ruan has really always respected the elders, and it was seen in the video with his mother before, these two days in the hospital to take care of the stupid Yuan Yinhai]

[Yesterday Teacher Ruan found that Fang Wei did not know it and already sensed that it was wrong, it is estimated that yuan Yinhai just had a brain infarction, Afraid that this time direct exposure of his body can not stand, so did not say publicly]

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