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1 September 1973: The Hel

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1 September 1973: The Hel.

"Do you have your coat? Snacks? The new socks mother bought you?" Josette's cousin Elijah asked. Josette was packing her things it was her first day at Hogwarts. She was directly starting in the third year, as her mother would never allowed her to go out of the house. Since now she is not here, Josette can do whatever she likes.

Her mother, Hela Odinsdottir, daughter of the king of Asgard- Odin. Odin was a warmonger, who sought to conquer all realms. Hela, as the Goddess of Death, served as his executioner. However, while Odin came to realize the error of his ways and rectified by becoming a benevolent king to hold the Nine Realms in unity, Hela would not easily drop her bloodthirsty nature and thus Odin decided to imprison her.

So, she ran way and Jenna like a good friend she was helped her and came here on Midgard or earth with her as this was far away from the Nine Realms and no one would think of searching here. [I know Midgard is one of the nine realms but in this story it isn't] They stayed many years alone in each other's company. Then Jenna fell in love with Castiel and married him and had their first child Elijah.

Hela still didn't changed her nature. If not Asgard then she want to rule Midgard. But she could not do it alone, she needed someone as powerful as her, another Goddess of Death. She didn't want her daughter to be half Midgardian. So, she created the Other Side and as a way to get there she created Josette and called her, her own child. Two months ago, Odin's Army got hold of Hela and imprisoned her. Frigga, Hela's mother, wanted to take Josette to Asgard with her but Odin didn't want that as she was 'the daughter of a murderer'.

Though she talked to Heimdall and Frigga through minds. Sometimes when Odin is not on Asgard or is very busy. Heimdall would allow her to temporarily see his own surroundings on Asgard and communicate telepathically as if they were in the same place. Like this Josette got to know her Grandmother and Uncles. She had a great time talking to them and they too loved her. Thor and Loki even tried to convince Odin to let her come to Asgard but were unsuccessful.

Josette is a very smart and clever girl. After the incident of Hogwarts letter, she never questioned her mother and did as she told her to. Her only friends were Meredith Coleman, Severus Snape and Lily Evans though she only gets to see them when she visits her aunt Jenna.

"Yes, Elijah. I have everything." With a worried look over his face Elijah pulled Josette into the tightest hug possible. "I'll miss you. Mortis." He said, squeezing Josette so hard her head would've popped off she hadn't let go. "You ready to go?"


Elijah carried her trunk down the stairs where Jenna was waiting for them. "Mortis honey, you can move in with us, you don't have to stay here." She said once Josette reached down. Jenna was her mother's best friend. Wife of Castiel Coleman, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, he never believed in Pureblood Supremacy. But he is highly respected among the purebloods, mostly because of his wealth.

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