3: You have to choose a side.

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1 September 1974: Hogwarts Express

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1 September 1974: Hogwarts Express.

"How was your summer??" Lily asked.

"The usual. Yelling, shouting." Severus mumbled.

"I had fun this summer. We visited Elijah in the States and travelled around." Meredith replied.

"Jo? What about you?" Lily asked again when she didn't replied.

"Huh?? Oh it was boring." She said as she sat down beside Severus.

"Why??" he asked.

"Imagine living in a three story house, alone for two months." she mumbled.

"Why? Where were your parents?" Lily asked. Josette and Meredith looked at each other with worried expression. Josette hates to do this, to lie to her friends. She hasn't told them that she leaves alone. Every time the talked about home, Josette would either slip past them or change the subject.

"They were out on some business." Josette lied.

"What do your parents do?? You never told us anything about them?" Lily asked.

"Something with the ministry. I'll see you later. I have to meet the boys." She got up from her seat, not wanting to lie anymore.

"I can't believe you are still friends with them." Severus scoffed.

"They are nice friends, even Lily talks to them." She pointed at the girl.

"Yeah I talk to them but you're like their best friend." Lily said.

"They are bullies, Jo." Severus added.

"No. Malfoy and his gang are bullies, they are pranksters. And why am I the only one getting judged. Her boyfriend is a Marauder." She pointed at Meredith, offend by their remark.

"Oh no, don't drag me into this." She shook her head "Remus is just my boyfriend; I don't go along pranking with them."

"Okay just leave it. They are my friends." She opened the compartment door and walked out.


"Hello boys." Josette walked into the Marauders compartment but instead of getting a welcome hug she got a dry 'Hii' and a very sad looking Sirius.

"What happened?" She asked sitting beside him as James scooted away. Nobody said anything and Sirius was hiding his face. "Guys??"

"Sirius he... he" Remus started but couldn't say anything after that.

"Your mom again??" she asked.

He nodded "She's worse every year."

"Let me see." He shook his head "Sirius, I can't help you if you don't let me see."

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