56: Sev?

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"Wake up you bitch!!"

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"Wake up you bitch!!"

Josette groaned as she woke up to Meredith shouting at her "That's not how you welcomed me last time." She mumbled.

"Cause now you deserve this." Meredith repeatedly hit her on the head with a book.

"Oww, stop!!" Josette yelled but she didn't listened.

"You. Poisoned. Yourself. You. Bitch." Meredith shouted between hitting her.

"In a measured proportion. I'm not going to die, it will be out of my system in 2-3 days." Josette got down from the bed and tackled the girl into a hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too Mor, but you can't do this." Meredith was mad at her but hugged back nonetheless.

"Okay, now I have to work." Josette said breaking apart.

"What work??"

"I need answers." she walked out of the room.

Meredith ran after her. "What answers?? Where are you going??"

"To find that goddamn door!!" Josette ran upstairs to the last floor and like last time there was a red door at the end of the corridor.

"What do you think you are doing??" Meredith asked.

"That's not some TV you watch your future on." She pointed at the sealing "It's the Vessel of-"

"-Vishtras. I know." Meredith interrupted her.

"So, you know what it does."

"Yes. It can someone their whole life story, If they are dead." Meredith glared at her.


"And it can show future possibilities." Meredith rolled her eyes. "But it's not very reliable and it just shows you pieces."

"And I just want to make sure I see James in one of those pieces. I just saw one of the vision come true and I'm not seeing my brother's dead body, I want to know what I'm doing wrong." Josette's last vision was James lying dead on the floor. And after the first one came into life her fear mode was on high level.

So, she figured out a way to find how she can avoid that. If she already knew what is going to happen that will lead to James's death, she can try and avoid it. But the Vessel of Vishtras doesn't show the whole picture like the time stone, it's just a small part of it. It can only show major events of every possibility. But Josette doesn't need to know the whole thing she just wants to see in which one James is alive till the end and what major event lead to it.

"Jo, you're not doing anything wrong. It's other peoples choices and you can't control it." Meredith tried to convince her otherwise.

"I can try." Josette turned around and slowly brought her hand to the door's handel. As soon as she touched it, the same visions again flooded her mind but this time she didn't let go, she hold on the door.

Goddess of Death. Sirius Black |Marauders Era| Where stories live. Discover now