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Song:Chiquitita (ABBA)"Sing a new song, Chiquitita

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Chiquitita (ABBA)
"Sing a new song, Chiquitita."

JULY 1980

The day Harry Potter was born, Lily was left alone with the two worst people for the job; Callisto Claire and Sirius Black.

In her defense, her birth was scheduled for the 5th of August, right on Callisto's birthday, but things didn't go quite as planned.

Callisto had been surrounded by pregnant ladies for the past few months. On one hand, there was Lily, with the most ridiculous pregnancy cravings, and Narcissa who had grown an aversion to everything other than home cooked meals. Despite her complaints about how moody they both were, she was always one call away. She would never be able to experience this for herself, so the least she could do was be there for them. It was weird to admit it, even to herself, but both kids felt like they had part of her heart already. They weren't her own, and she doubted they would even like her when they grew up, but she couldn't have been more excited to meet them.

Would it be too unrealistic to hope they'd ever become best friends?
She really hoped they would at least be friendly acquaintances.

"My prediction is," Sirius announced. "That in five years from now, baby Potter will be a national Quidditch player, James will get tricked into joining a cult, Lily will be a milf, Peter will be in a throuple, I will be a sex icon, and Callisto with Remus will be married."

"Why do I get the lame one?"

"Married on a pirate ship."

"Okay, that's cool." Callisto admitted. "But, so far from the truth for the most part. I mean, I doubt Lily's little beast will be in the national team before he knows basic grammar, and... actually, that's the only unlikely part."

"So, you want to get married to Lupin." Lily concluded, smirking. "Got you there."

"Maybe." She shrugged. "If things don't go to hell again... I don't think they will."

It was true, for the most part.

They had promised to take it slow, but they ended up going on that date and they both gave in that evening. They had spent the entire night on the rooftop, dancing under the stars, and when she looked at him at that moment right before he kissed her, she knew there was no point in waiting. The first months had been a bit hard, but that was only natural. She needed to learn to trust him again, and he needed to understand that his and her condition alike, were no longer obstacles to their relationship.

To say that she loved him, would be an understatement. It wouldn't do justice to how she felt for him, and she would never be able to find the words to express her emotions. So, she never really spoke about it, she just showed him everything he was to her. Remus was much more eloquent. He had a way with words that she hadn't ever known anyone else with. In another lifetime, he probably had been a poet or a musician. In this lifetime, his words lulled her to sleep and soothed her when the anxiety of the war got too much to handle.

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