Chapter 46-50

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Chapter 46.1

Based on Snow Roland's memory, Xu Sili knew that there was only one game cabin on Escher Star that could connect to the Star Network.

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So when he saw Roland's Guardian, the first thing he thought of was:

Was this an elemental or descendant of an elementalist who was exiled from the Roland Empire?

Why else would they take such a name?

Xu Sili thought about it before clicking to accept the other person's friend application.

It was just an online friend anyway.

Even if his speculation wasn't true, it could be deleted. There was no loss for him. Rather, it would be absolutely beneficial and harmless if he could develop a friend on an alien planet!

After accepting the friend invitation, a new interface popped up. It was a friends list and there was only one person on it, the one he just accepted.

It seemed lonely and a bit deserted.

Xu Sili looked at the other person's profile picture. It was the default picture set by the system and he didn't see anything special.

He didn't want to do that much so he directly sent a message.

The game cabin on the other side.

Si Sheng looked at the friend list interface in front of him, brow furrowed and expression a bit embarrassed.

A penny confounded a hero.

He didn't have much and wasn't even qualified to enter the Star Network community, let alone help Lord God solve the problem.

Suddenly, the friend list interface shook. The friend request he just sent had been accepted!

On the empty friends list, an image of a young man wearing a fox mask appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the other person's profile picture vibrated.

Si Sheng's heart thumped and he clicked to view it.

[His Majesty Roland]: You are?

Si Sheng was a bit nervous.

He could be calm and not change his expression even in the face of the most ferocious interstellar beasts, but at this moment, his hands were slightly trembling.

He took a deep breath and replied to the message.

[Roland's Guardian]: Your Majesty, it's me.

Xu Sili blinked.

He searched back through Snow Roland's carefully but couldn't find anyone he knew on the Star Network. He could only guess that this person might be an acquaintance of the old emperor.

After all, the old emperor was also called His Majesty Roland.

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It couldn't be a fan of his songs right? He didn't know any fans that well.

Or was it... a swindler?

Xu Sili was a bit wary.

There were too many online scams. He didn't believe it could be completely eliminated even in the future interstellar network.

At this moment, he glanced at his stay time and an idea flashed through his mind.

Si Sheng looked at the sent message that showed 'read' and couldn't help clenching his fists.

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