Chapter 81-85

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Chapter 81

Seventh traitor?

When he saw the news of Xiao Wu, Xu Yuheng not only narrowed his pupils, but also quickly checked the information it had sent to him.

It's just that he never imagined that this seventh traitor...

He even knew it!

"Second brother, now the traitors already know what they have exposed, what should we do now?"

The little robot emerged from his communicator.

It looked at Xu Yuheng with a pair of electronic eyes, and asked anxiously.

Xu Yuheng gritted his teeth.

Today, the fact that he and Bai Feng went to the military camp was originally done very secretly, but unexpectedly, the traitor would find out.

he was careless...

Will these stinky rats in the gutter continue to act after they know their plans are exposed?

But...that's fine.

Xu Yuheng's face relaxed a little, at least now that he knew who the seventh traitor was, and he could take the initiative to reveal his faults, it was worth it.

At the same time, he also felt a little heavy.

There are still three people who have not been exposed. If they are also hidden as deep as the seventh person, then this Lanyue City...

Xu Yuheng shook his head.

The plot setting of this game is quite brain-burning, and it even played a spy war. It is estimated that some high-end players will like it.

He thought so, and calmly said to Xiao Wu: "Don't panic, you continue to monitor, don't let go of the slightest clue, and find out the remaining three traitors as soon as possible."

As for whether the traitors will cancel the plan to blow up the circle... This is actually a great consideration of the decision-making ability of the organizer.

If it is cancelled, at least it can be ensured that no NPC will be injured or killed because of this incident, and they can catch the traitors who have surfaced one by one in the future.

Although it is a little more troublesome, it actually makes no difference to the players. After all, if you are too troublesome, you will not come to play this kind of character development game.

If the traitors fall behind, the task of guarding Lanyue City will most likely be completed.

And if it is not cancelled and the traitors continue to act, then they will naturally proceed according to the original plan.

That's the benefit of having first-hand information.

Even if it wasn't for the purpose of catching the remaining three people, they would have been able to catch people now. The power of artificial intelligence was vividly reflected in this incident.

Xu Yuheng smiled.

His family Xiaoli is still very smart, and he started the layout early and came up with such a weapon.

With Xiao Wu around, he should manage the country much more smoothly.

"Focus on monitoring Bryce, he is probably in a hurry now." Xu Yuheng said, "Once people lose their calm, it is easy to make wrong decisions. Maybe he will bring us a little surprise."

The little robot nodded ignorantly, looking at Xu Yuheng's electronic eyes, full of admiration.

Xu Yuheng looked at it, thought about it and said, "Xiao Wu, can you change your image?"

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