Chapter 106-110

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Chapter 106

In the hall of the underground palace, the cracks on the floor tiles continued to spread around, and with a terrifying roar, an interstellar beast with sharp horns on its head appeared in everyone's field of vision.

This is the first two-star diamond mountain beast.

Although it has two stars, its attack power is not high, but its ability to escape is extremely strong. When it encounters danger, it can quickly burrow into the ground, clear the way through the sharp corners of its head, and then disappear into the ground.

Because its sharp horns are so hard that it can easily destroy even the strongest rocky mountain, the name of the mountain beast is also derived from it.

Because of this, the Diamond Mountain Beast has become one of the two-star beasts that cannot be eradicated in the Roland Empire so far.

No one would have imagined that at a time when the sky encountered such a major crisis, the ground would be unsafe!

The burrowing beast jumped out of the passage with a roar, and two or three interstellar beasts quickly jumped out behind it.

The strength of these interstellar beasts is at the high level of 2 stars, that is, between 25 and 29. The strength is much higher than that of the elemental masters of the palace, and the breath alone causes a lot of pressure.

This is not over yet, there are obviously star beasts blocked at the bottom of the channel, making bursts of roars that make the earth tremble.

Probably the only thing that can be fortunate is that the exits of the passages created by the mountain beasts are narrow, and only one or two can pass through at a time.

After the initial shock, confusion and panic, the commander quickly calmed down and began to direct his manpower to deal with the raiding star beasts.

"Quick, take down the mountain beast quickly, don't let this beast destroy the palace again!"

The building materials used in this underground palace are very elegant, and there is a special reinforcement array. Except for the intractable mountain beasts, other interstellar beasts cannot destroy the cornerstone of the palace.

Now there is only this narrow passage, and they can handle it for the time being, but if they let the mountain beast make a hole and expand the passage, it will be troublesome!

The burrowing beast must be stopped, it must be killed as soon as possible!

Under the commander's dispatch, the bewildered soldiers quickly restored order and carried out the order subconsciously.

All the Earth Elementalists shot at the same time, the Earth Elements reinforced the ground, and the speed of the Drilling Mountain Beast, which was escaping through the hole, slowed down significantly.

While other attacking elementists launched their skills one after another, they threw the attack with the highest damage at the beast, and for a time the underground palace shone with the light of various elemental skills.

The few interstellar beasts that had jumped out of the passage were temporarily blocked by other ordinary soldiers.

Holding up their shields and various weapons, they used their rich combat experience to entangle these interstellar beasts, blocking them at the exit of the passage, so that the interstellar beasts below the exit could not come out temporarily.

The palace guards also followed suit, organizing the people who took refuge in the hall to retreat to the room and the ground.

But soon, worse news came - the palace's guardian circle was completely shattered, a large number of flying interstellar beasts poured into the palace, the ground has fallen, and it is even more dangerous than the underground!

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