Chapter 331-335

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Chapter 331

Looking at the wreckage of the No. 1 ship still remaining in space, the members of the support team, including Yu Sen, all shivered.

Is this still the power that human beings can possess?

The guardians are so strong, they... aren't they really here to deliver food?

Many people couldn't help but touch the space capsule, as if they had seen their precious mecha being slashed into pieces by the guardian's sword.

"The format of this competition was proposed by the Roland Empire. Obviously, the opponent does have such strength. Before, we underestimated the enemy."

Captain Finn said solemnly.

The mecha masters around him clearly showed retreating intentions on their faces.

Everyone's mecha has spent countless efforts and wealth, they are not afraid to fight, but in the face of such a powerful pervert...

Looking at the wreckage of warships flying everywhere outside, almost no one is not panic and fear.

Even the super battleship was hacked by his sword, not to mention their mecha!

No matter how powerful their mechas are, no one's mechas can be stronger than a battleship of this magnitude.

"Would it be better if he was not allowed to use that sword?" said Giles, who was considered the second best player in the support team.

Finn glanced at him and whispered: "This mecha match is going to be broadcast live."

Giles and the others fell silent.

This would have been an unfair game.

The other party didn't drive a mecha to fight, and if they didn't even bring weapons to them, even if they won, they would have no face at all.

Different from others, Yu Sen's eyes showed obvious fighting intent.

The interstellar has been peaceful for far too long.

Although all countries have invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the research and development of mechas, in most cases, they can only conduct simulation training on the star network.

As for the reality, of course there are training camps, but considering the cost damage and other issues, it is rarely true.

And what a rare opportunity this mecha competition is!

Yu Sen looked at the mysterious and dazzling planet in the distance. He wanted to know whether the guardian of Roland was as powerful in reality as he was in the Star Net?

In the end, the mecha team decided to stay in space, and then enter the Roland Empire after reuniting with the main force.

As for whether or not the originally scheduled Mecha Contest should be held, the captain will report to the Alliance headquarters and wait for the headquarters' order.

Knowing that the support team was unwilling to come in early, Xu Sili was not reluctant. After all, the war had just ended, and he still had a lot of things to deal with.

After a day of fighting, it was basically ensured that every registered player could enter the battlefield at least once-although many of them were killed in seconds without causing any damage after entering.

The four battleships were divided into four battlefields.

In the face of this group of vicious star thieves with outstanding individual strength, the battle has fallen into anxiety from the beginning. Fortunately, players can be resurrected infinitely and can use crowd tactics.

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