Chapter 136-140

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Chapter 136

"SOS message?"

Hearing Xiao Wu's report, Xu Sili frowned, from outer space... Apart from his connection with Adrian, he only...

"That Dr. Ding?"

"Yes, brother." Xiao Wu nodded. "It's the wood who betrayed the Flanders Interstellar Federation. He has been identified as a traitor and is on the wanted list."

"According to the location he sent, it is in a star field not far from Ai Xuexing."

"Huh? Already on the wanted list?"

After replying to Adrian before, Xu Sili didn't pay much attention to this matter, and he didn't know how the Flanders Interstellar Federation finally dealt with it.

He nodded and said, "Xiao Wu, show me what he asked for help."


Xiao Wu responded with a sound, then got back into the communication device, and then a voice sounded, and at the same time harmful words were projected - the voice is the universal language of the universe, and Xiao Wu thoughtfully translated it into Roland German.

"Your Majesty Roland, I am Wood... We were hijacked by star thieves... I can't contact my country... Please help me pass the message back... Please..."

The voice was intermittent, and the speed of the speech was very fast. It could be heard that the sender was very anxious, and it might be a sneaky distress signal.

Hijacked by star thieves?

Xu Sili touched his chin, and when he mentioned the star thief, he thought of the star thief leader Mu Xingzhou, the guy who "coveted" Si Sheng many times in the future timeline.

Since he established a relationship with Si Sheng, his feelings for him in the future timeline are inevitably a little complicated.

It is true that the two Si Sheng are different, and he is very clear about this, but it is inevitable that he will feel a little awkward.

In the future, Si Sheng killed Sinuo Roland, which is understandable based on his logic. Si Sheng was written with the order to "protect Roland", and Sinuo Roland should never have to. Cooperate with Bewat Stars...

Xu Sili shook his head, instead of continuing to struggle with these matters, he looked at the distress message displayed on the communicator and pondered.

Hijacked by star thieves...

Is this true or false? The Flanders Interplanetary Federation has already identified this Dr. Ding Mingyu as a traitor, and has also issued a wanted order for this.

If it's fake, the doctor is likely to cheat, but...what if it's real?

It is possible that he was hijacked by star thieves, and then missed the information to justify himself, and finally was identified as a traitor, and he couldn't even contact the people of the motherland to rescue him?

It was so miserable.

Out of respect for the researchers, Xu Sili still sent this distress message to Adrian, and told him the general star field that Xiao Wu tracked.

Of course, he did not reveal the existence of Xiao Wu, only vaguely said that he received such information from this area.

Adrian replied quickly.

[Your Majesty Roland, good day. 】

[I have received your message and conveyed it to the liaison officer of the Flanders Interstellar Federation as soon as possible, thank you for your trust in me]

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