Chapter 61-65

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Chapter 61.1

There was silence in the bedroom.

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The wind blew in through the open window, gently flicking the tulle-like curtains.

Xu Sili looked at the man in front of him.

Si Sheng took his hand, kissed him on the back of the fingers, bent his good-looking eyebrows and whispered with a soft smile...

Yesterday, he was very happy.

The words reverberated in Xu Sili's mind. He kept recalling what happened yesterday in this room, next to him on the sofa...

His face turned red, his ears were hot and his heart was beating a lot faster.

"You... what nonsense are you talking..."

Xu Sili instinctively withdrew his hand.

He didn't remember what he had just discussed with the little robot. All his thoughts were disturbed by the current ambiguous atmosphere.

Si Sheng gazed at him and the hope in his eyes slowly dimmed. He lowered his eyes and said, "This servant isn't talking nonsense. Yesterday, Your Majesty..."

Before he could continue, a hand covered his mouth.

Si Sheng was startled when he felt the slightly cold hand. He raised his eyes and faced the young man's purple eyes that were filled with some shyness.

"Don't say anything about yesterday, okay?"

His expression was ferocious, like he would kill Si Sheng if Si Sheng dared to mention it again.

Si Sheng blinked.

He saw the young man's fair skin slowly dyed red due to embarrassment and his heart shook. He nodded very slowly.

Xu Sili released him but didn't give any more warnings. The man held his hand and pressed it against his cheek.

His body temperature was transmitted through the skin contact of the two men.

Xu Sili was a bit dazed.

Si Sheng looked up at him and smiled gently. "Your Majesty's hand is a bit cold. I'll warm it for you."


The weather was indeed getting colder now but it wasn't to the point of needing to be warmed.

Xu Sili stared at the other person's smile and thought that this Si Sheng was 'given an inch and wanting a mile.'


Well, forget it.

Rather than taking back his hand, held the man's cheek and rubbed it hard.

At Si Sheng's stunned expression, Xu Sili made a playful expression. Then he laughed as he watched the man's features twist into a grimace.

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Of course, even this grimace looked good.

Si Sheng watched this laugh with stunned eyes before infatuation filled it.

He wished that time could stop in this moment.

Lord God was laughing and making trouble while he was the only one in Lord God's eyes.

However, he failed to get what he wanted. The warmth of the moment was soon interrupted.

Knock knock knock.

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