Chapter 176-180

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Chapter 176

The city of the brave! A main city that truly belongs to the player!

The point is - allocate land according to contribution!

As soon as the news came out, the whole server immediately boiled.

The posts of the Starry Sky Forum filled the screen, and the head of the live broadcast turned into a screaming chicken in the barrage.

Unexpectedly, on the second day of Star Era's server launch, the home game will be opened in this way, and land will be distributed like a welfare giveaway!

In other games, the home itself is a very popular way to play. How many players are eager to build their own house in the virtual world?

And Star Era...

It's a 99% real holographic game!

This rounding up means that you have a piece of your own land, no matter the size of the area, it is a piece of land that is completely under your control!

Su Mo was directly awarded the title because of his achievements in building the teleportation array. How many people cried with envy?

And now, they also have such an opportunity!

Xu Sili could feel that when he finished speaking and posted the task, the eyes of the more than 100 players in front of him were all red... no, they were all green!

Staring at him like a hungry wolf.

As a Chinese born, he certainly understands how much temptation land and houses can have for the people of the Chinese nation.

Not to mention, he almost gave it away for nothing.

After all, with his assistance, the difficulty of the task has been reduced countless times, and as long as the player participates, he will give a piece of land of five square meters.

As for more, they have to fight for themselves.

The Roland Empire has a population of only over 90 million, but Ai Xuexing's planet is more than double the size of the actual Blue Star.

The original Roland was really poor.

Therefore, Xu Sili didn't feel bad about giving away so much. Anyway, as long as they belonged to the Roland camp, no matter whether they were NPCs or players, they were all a family.

And the fact that this can be achieved is also due to the fact that after the Imperial City was upgraded to level 4, the task panel unlocked new functions again.

He can set the contribution value and the corresponding rewards that players can get, and the system will issue them directly at that time, saving him a lot of trouble and not afraid of making mistakes.

After his announcement, the scene got a little out of control.

Xu Sili was not in a hurry to control the field, but just watched the players quietly. After they digested it, it is best to spread the news quickly and mobilize all players to participate.

With 100,000 undead legions, he doesn't believe in sweeping the border!

As for Xilin and the others, they looked at each other in dismay.

They have all heard the legend of the brave.

But in the beast tide four years ago, when they were most desperate, the brave did not appear, so even if they were skeptical at first, they basically never believed it.

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