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Mum keeps berating me about my eating habits.

Every time I eat something she questions it and if I'm not eating she questions that too.

I got full last night at dinner, so I didn't finish my plate. She always fills my plate even though I have told her time and time again that I'll never be able to finish all of it, especially when half the plate is rice, a filling food.

I eat my food in a "specific" order, it never really changes. Veggies, side and then meat.

Last night we had corn, rice wnd chicken. I ate my corn and started eating the rice and eventually I got full. I did not finish the rice or the chicken.

Well, I went to bed last night full, which is a good thing no?

I got up this morning, 10  hours later only waking up about six times which I think is awesome, and wouldn't you guess it, I was a little hungry. So I made a sandwich.

She came out and asked what I was eating and I told her and her response was "Well if you had finished your dinner last night then you wouldn't be so hungry." Mind you, we had dinner at 5pm and this happened a few minutes ago, it's currently 9am. So it had been a good like 17hrs since I had eaten anything.

Any normal human would be hungry after 12 hours of not eating anything, hell people have bedtime snacks, go to sleep for 8 hours and wake up hungry.

You are technically supposed to eat every 6 hours with snacks in between from time to time. They call it a "healthy diet".

It just pisses me off that she feels the need to get pissy with me over it. She wonders why I want to be awake at night and not during the day.

Yes at night things are simpler, but I can also eat when I get hungry and not get yelled at for it.

12:12 pm

Why is everyone ignoring me?

I haven't done anything right?

Is it because I didn't go to dnd last Friday?

Have I done something wrong?

Violet isn't answering me either. . .

We were talking every day and then it just stopped.

I think it bugs me more because I can see that they are online.

I don't know what I did, or if I even did anything to begin with.

I don't get it but it hurts a little.

I'm gonna just say that everyone is just sleeping right now and forgot to log out or something.

They aren't ignoring me. Just sleeping. Has to be it.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now