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Been a while yes indeed


I am currently sobbing

I lost Willy, the stuffed animal Jacob had gotten me for Christmas and I can't find him anywhere in the house.

I don't know how I lost him, he never leaves my bed and I sleep with him every night but he's gone and I'm distraught.

It hurts to breathe.

I don't know what to do.

Odd things keep happening like my window is open but I never opened it or like how the coffee pot has coffee in it some how.

I just want him back.

I'm being childish but I want him back and I will continue to cry over it.

I don't know where he could have gone I checked everywhere.

He never leaves my bed I don't understand he was there a few hours ago when I had taken a nap, I know because I had him up against my side when I had curled up but now he's just gone and I don't understand where he could have gone. I never move him.

I don't understand.

I just want him back.

I feel sick, not just because of the Willy situation. I've genuinely been feeling sick and its just getting worse and crying isn't helping my stuffy nose.

I want him back.

Where did he fucking go

Stuffed animals can't just walk around as they please

Where the fuck did he go

I want him back


Please just give him back. . .

I won't sleep until I find him.

7:38 am

I found him, only took 3 hours but he was under the couch in the living room.

I don't know how, but thats where he was.

I'm tired

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now