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So, for work I had to watch 8 hours of videos. I do on floor stuff tomorrow, but 8 hours of videos is painful.

Mother has left to go visit Everton for the weekend. This means I'm stuck watching the children, which isn't the best of situations, but I'm really not emotionally available enough to care more than this.

Its not bad, the lack of emotions. I've just been way too social in the past week and it's killing me lol.

Our new VP at school is a stiff. "Technology is evil" she says "Social media was made by the devil" she insists. She's real creepy too, said she'd show up to peoples house if they didn't go to school.

I haven't spoken to Violet in a few days. . . Or well I have, she just hasn't replied, which is fine, I mean she has school too, I just kind of wish she didn't leave me on read. . . I know I'm most likely taking it all wrong again, yet we usually talk regularly and it's almost been a week.

I'm overreacting, I know I am. It still sucks I guess.

School has been simple, art is currently my favorite, which is ironic since in recent years I hated it. Maybe it's because she said I get more freedom this year, hard to say. Computer Programming isn't terrible either, though I do have the same teacher as last year and she's awesome. I hate Hospitality. Maybe it's just the teacher cause I loved Hospitality in grade 10, hard to say.

I get my first paycheck on the 28th, I believe so anyway. I haven't figured it out completely, I just know it's every other week. Can't wait for that $45. Yup, that's it. Including taxes and my uniform, I get roughly $45.

Tis lovely.

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