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Its been a little while since I did these back to back, but something bothered me today.

I don't talk about work a whole lot, though I have made a few work friends(ish). I don't like to as it makes me grumpy 9 times out of 10. Its just a mood dampener in general and I've been trying to improve my negative thoughts to be a little more positive.

Anyway, I spent most of my day on window, which wasn't a big deal for me because it's really hot inside and the window is usually open, which means cool air. Someone took my picture today while they were at the window and I've never felt so uncomfortable before. I've been catcalled, I've had someone grab my ass, I've had someone be so fucking persistent trying to get my number, but never once has a stranger stare at me like that and then take my picture with such a disgusting look on their face.

I ended up telling my coworker, while the person was just pulling out. She kind of snapped on me, not in a bad way, more of a concerned way. Told me I should have told them to delete the photo, or at least get her to tell them to delete it.

Sure I had thought about it, but what if I had been wrong, I mean usually someone in the back seat doesn't hold up their phone, put it slightly out the window pointed directly at you and pause there for a minute before pulling it back in and just staring at their device.

Maybe I just didn't want to say anything.

I know why she told me that I should have said something, that photo could go anywhere, anything could be done with it and I am very glad that my name tag says "Kool-Aid" rather than my actual name.

I've started making lists about what I know about people, or more so the people I deem are worth remembering. I only have three right now, one for Vi, one for Grey and one for Jacob. No one else is important enough. And honestly I'm okay with that.

Jacobs is the longest as of right now, but that would have to do with the fact that we play "truth or truth" a lot.

Its a good game honestly, and I've learned a lot.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now