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I'm drunk yet not drunk

I'm struggling to type this if that helps.

Autocorrect really be my bestue

I cried

A lot

Mum knows something happened at one point in time

Tho that has to do with me not letting anyone touch me at all

I didn't want her to know but it is so hard to control my mouth when I have a bunch of alcohol 8n my system

And before you call me a lightweight I drank the majority of a sour puss bottle, one of them big ones, two pina ciladas and a couple mouth fulla of whatever everyone else had.

I drank a lot

I wanted to be happy

I know what happens when I get drunk

K become sad and scared and I babble

I wanted to be tipsy

And be happy

I am neither

I have stopped crying

If that even counts for anything really

Everytike I move my bead I get a little dizzy  so I enjoy the spot where I am

I feel a little bad

I wouldn't let anyone touch me, and while I think I'm slowly sobbering, I was basically telling everyone to fuck off and its mostly cuz I was struggling to figure out who was who

I didn't want to be touched. I hate being touched and very few people are given this exception as being touched usually makes my skin crawl.

I couldn't tell who was touching me. I don't know who tried to lay down behind me, but in a sense I don't care. I was freaking out and people respected my boundaries.

Thats what matters.

I know I'm not sober, not yet. But I'm better than I was half an hour ago.

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