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He kissed me on Monday.

I was practically vibrating the entire walk home.

He doesn't let me kiss his cheek anymore, only his mouth, which I'm quite alright with.

It makes me very happy.

Though my friends have a lot gotten a little distant. Violet either ignored or hasn't seen any of my messages, which is alright. And maybe I'm just being a fool but my friends are taking as long as possible to respond back, which is mildly upsetting.

Work has been alright. On Wednesday I worked a 10 hr and 40min shift, 320-2am. It was a pain, slept for 9hrs though, only woke up once, which I'm relatively proud of.

I'm mostly done my Christmas shopping, with only needing to buy gift bags, Devons gift card, Gabs thing, Evertons stuff and cards, with the possibility of secret Santa at work as well, I'm mostly done. I ended up buying mum a kitchen set, which was about $80.

I also bought myself a giant stuffed bear that is like almost the same height and size as me. Laying with it now. I enjoy it very much. His name is Hades and a wonderful cuddle buddy.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Where stories live. Discover now