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Jacob keeps calling me "Darling" and it's driving me mad. Not in a bad way per say, but fuck me man. . .

I'm also starting to suspect that he's catching onto whole praise thing.

He keeps calling me cute, saying stuff like I did good job, or head pats whenever I win something. It's gotten to the point that whenever I finish something I feel the need to show it to him, even if it's just a couple lines of code.

He also keeps on insisting I sleep even though I can't. 

I keep going over all the reasons why I can't sleep. I know part of the reason is because I feel unsafe and am just generally paranoid. I'm too hot to sleep.

I know for a fact though that I just need to feel relatively safe to fall asleep, as I've been falling asleep around him frequently.

I feel a little bad, especially when I fall asleep beside him, but he is the one that drags me towards him, so me cuddling up to him at that point is 100% on him.

Just got confirmation that Vi is infact not angry with me, while slightly hurt by my comment she was not angry and I was in fact just being delusional and over dramatic once more.

Oh yeah.

I have fallen.

So far.

I could not escape their clutches for long.


The dreaded Fandom of toxicity. I don't recall ever being in any Fandom that could possibly be worse.

I bring this up for only one reason.

Jacob has a tendency to read over my shoulder whenever I'm reading a book, no biggie to me as I read faster than him and he quickly drops it.

Again no big deal.

Today, after I had fallen into the cursed Fandom, Jacob again tried to read over my shoulder like any other day and for the first time I blocked it. Automatically made him suspicious and he started asking what I was reading and was trying to peek at my phone.

I made the mistake of telling him that "I would rather him catch me reading smut over and above this".

He did not let it go all day. Hell he messaged me two minutes ago asking if I was reading smut. He thinks its funny.

He says he'll play the pocky game with me. Just gotta go get it, probably will before 11.

Thoughts (Part 2!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora